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TeachersPayTeachers Engineering Blog:
Challenges faced while scaling to serve millions of views per
Jun 15, 2017 @ 17:49:33

On the TeachersPayTeachers.com Engineering blog they've posted a retrospective of what they went through to scale to millions of views per day on AWS using Kubernetes, React, PHP, and Elixir.

Here at Teachers Pay Teachers (or TpT, as we call it) we’ve been in the process of migrating our website from a PHP monolith to a microservice based architecture utilizing React, Phoenix and GraphQL. To date, this migration has delighted our community of educators with it’s myriad of UX improvements. We’re able to objectively measure these improvements with our A/B testing infrastructure which also enables us to gradually expose functionality to broader and broader levels of traffic.

Our product page receives ~2 million pages views per day making it the most heavily trafficked page on TpT (here’s an example page). We decided to use a simple UI refresh as an opportunity to migrate the page to our new tech stack. This post dives deeply into the challenges we overcame while scaling the product page on our new infrastructure!

The post then shows an infographic of their migration and the major steps in the process along a timeline. They also include an overview of their updated architecture, specific technical issues found during the migration and handling server load. They also cover error spikes they saw just after scaling and how they were either able to resolve or just dismiss them as "red herrings".

tagged: teacherspayteachers scaling microservice aws kubernetes react elixir casestudy

Link: http://engineering.teacherspayteachers.com/2017/06/05/challenges-faced-while-scaling-to-serve-millions-of-views-per-day.html

Stomt Blog:
Shared Components Across Multiple Laravel/Lumen Micro-Services
Oct 21, 2016 @ 17:19:30

On the Stomt blog today there's a post showing how you can share components across Laravel/Lumen applications using a simple structure and making things like microservices easier.

In this blog post, we show a way to split up large Laravel applications into smaller micro-services, in our case Laravel & Lumen applications, and the advantages and pitfalls it brings with it. As a result, we sped up our applications by more than 30% and achieved greater maintainability, too. These principles can, of course, be easily applied to other frameworks.

A lot of functions are needed in our REST API as well as in our administration panel. [...] While we still have a “monolithic” codebase, we have multiple completely independent backend applications. You might want to call them “micro-services” (because it’s so trendy).

These microservices required similar functionality and splitting those out into shared components made sense. They walk you through some of the basic requirements they had when splitting the application and how the components are structured. They then shift over to the Laravel/Lumen side and show how multiple applications can be hosted via the same installation and where the shared components fit in. They show how to define namespaces to load the components and set up the providers so Laravel/Lumen knows how to use them.

tagged: laravel microservice shared component tutorial

Link: https://www.stomt.com/blog/shared-components-across-multiple-laravel-lumen-micro-services/

SitePoint PHP Blog:
Building a Micro Markdown API App with Lumen
May 12, 2015 @ 15:35:57

The SitePoint PHP blog has a new tutorial posted showing you how to create a small API service with Lumen, the recently released microframework from the creators of Laravel. Their example service takes in Markdown content and translates it to be returned as JSON.

If you’ve been using Laravel for a while, you know that it sometimes feels a little heavy for a small application or service. For that same purpose, Taylor, the creator of Laravel built Lumen. A small micro-framework built on top of Laravel Illuminate components, it doesn’t load all the components by default like Eloquent, Blade, Middleware, etc, remaining light as it boots up. We will explore all of that this short tutorial. [...] To illustrate a practical use case for the micro framework, we will be creating a Markdown parser API application where the user can submit a Markdown text and get back the parsed content as JSON. I will be using the league/commonmark package from the PHP League.

They walk you through the installation of a Lumen instance (via Composer) and how to build out the folder structure for things like resources, database configuration and views. They then include the code for the route and controller to take in the Markdown content and translate it out to HTML as a first step. Then they use the same functionality and return the HTML result as a JSON document. Also included is a simple few line call with Guzzle to the API to pass in a Markdown file and fetch the result.

tagged: tutorial markdown lumen microframework commonmark translate api microservice

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/building-micro-markdown-api-app-lumen/

Propser Otemuyiwa:
Developing a Micro-Service with Lumen
May 07, 2015 @ 14:55:57

Propser Otemuyiwa has a quick new post to his site showing you how to make a micro-service with Lumen, the recently introduced microframework from the creators of Laravel.

I introduced Lumen to you all in my previous post. Today we’ll be creating a simple microservice with Lumen. [...] So, the idea is to build a microservice that showcases your Developer Evangelist status based on the number of public repos you have on Github. The assumption here is that the more publicly available repos you have on github, the more you support the idea of Open source..giving back to the community.

He walks you through the full process:

  • Creating the Lumen project
  • Serving up the new application
  • Enabling Eloquent and the .env handling
  • Adding a single index route

He then fills in the route handling with a bit of code to pull from GitHub and get the number of public repositories a user has and assigns them a "rank" based on that.

tagged: microservice microframework lumen tutorial github example introduction project

Link: http://prosperotemuyiwa.com/developing-a-micro-service-with-lumen/

A Journey into Microservices
Mar 11, 2015 @ 16:23:34

On the Hailo.com blog Matt Heath has posted a series of articles about their transition from a "monolith" codebase out into a set of microservices for the Hallo app system.

Hailo, like many startups, started small; small enough that our offices were below deck on a boat in central London - the HMS President. Working on a boat as a small focused team, we built out our original apps and APIs using tried and tested technologies, including Java, PHP, MySQL and Redis, all running on Amazon's EC2 platform. [...] After we launched in London, and then Dublin, we expanded from one continent to two, and then three; launching first in North America, and then in Asia. This posed a number of challenges-the main one being locality of customer data.

They describe this customer data problem in a bit more detail with the issue mostly revolving around the geolocation of the user and their information. They talk about "going global" and the steps they took to make the move. In the three parts of the series, they explain the changes they made and why they were effective for their application:

They end the series with some links to other resources that help compliment the subjects mentioned and link to slides from a presentation around the same topic.

tagged: microservice journey series part1 part2 part3 introduction architecture api halloapp

Link: https://sudo.hailoapp.com/services/2015/03/09/journey-into-a-microservice-world-part-1/

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