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Community News:
Latest PECL Releases (07.23.2024)
Jul 23, 2024 @ 08:05:14

Latest PECL Releases:

  • parallel 1.2.3
    - CI: fix Windows tests #304

    • CI: updated to PHP 8.3.9 #305
    • FrankenPHP support: unlock mutex in case of zend_bailout #314
    • Make request_info from SAPI globals accessible in threads #307
  • gRPC 1.65.1
    - gRPC Core 1.65.1 update


Community News:
Latest PECL Releases (07.16.2024)
Jul 16, 2024 @ 08:05:17

Latest PECL Releases:

  • event 3.1.4
    Fixed tests failing with PHP 8.4.0-alpha1 (thanks to Remi Collet).

  • protobuf 4.28.0RC1
    * See github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/tag/v28.0-rc-1 for release notes.
  • xhprof 2.3.10
    - Fix build for 8.4 and pcre2 by @andypost in #86 - Fix for PHP 8.4 by @remicollet in #87
  • phalcon 5.8.0
    Full changelog can be found at: https://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon/blob/master/CHANGELOG-5.0.md


    • Changed PhalconMvcModel, PhalconSupportCollection and PhalconSupportRegistry to correctly implement Serializable interface. #16591
    • Changed the PhalconMvcRouterGroup::getHostname() to return null also. #16601
    • Changed PhalconMvcViewEngineVoltCompiler::compileSource to also return array #16608


    • Added events and PhalconEventsManager for PhalconStorageAdapterApcu, PhalconStorageAdapterRedis, PhalconStorageAdapterMemory, PhalconStorageAdapterLibmemcached, PhalconStorageAdapterStream, PhalconStorageAdapterWeak, PhalconCacheAdapterApcu, PhalconCacheAdapterRedis, PhalconCacheAdapterMemory, PhalconCacheAdapterLibmemcached, PhalconCacheAdapterStream, PhalconCacheAdapterWeak PhalconCacheAbstractCache. #16606


    • Fixed PhalconSupportHelperPascalCase causing memory leak by anonymous function #16593
    • Fixed PhalconMvcModelQuery to rollback failed transactions and re-throw exception for data consistency #16604


Community News:
Latest PECL Releases (07.09.2024)
Jul 09, 2024 @ 08:05:15

Latest PECL Releases:



Community News:
Latest PECL Releases (07.02.2024)
Jul 02, 2024 @ 08:05:17

Latest PECL Releases:

  • gRPC 1.65.0RC2
    - gRPC Core 1.65.0 update

  • WinCache - Fix build for PHP 8.1 and later - Remove ownership/support contact information from phpinfo screen * Note this is no longer a supported Microsoft product, and maintenance will only be done at a best-effort basis.
  • protobuf 4.27.2
    * See github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/tag/v27.2 for release notes.
  • yar 2.3.3
    - Fixed build with PHP8.3


Community News:
Latest PECL Releases (06.25.2024)
Jun 25, 2024 @ 08:05:14

Latest PECL Releases:

  • yaf 3.3.6
    - Fixed build with PHP8.3

  • swoole 6.0.0
    - Swoole supports multi-threading mode. When PHP is in ZTS mode and Swoole is compiled with --enable-swoole-thread, the multi-threading mode can be utilized. - Added a new thread management class SwooleThread. - Introduced thread lock SwooleThreadLock. - Added thread atomic counter SwooleThreadAtomic, SwooleThreadAtomicLong. - Added safe concurrent containers SwooleThreadMap, SwooleThreadArrayList, SwooleThreadQueue. - File asynchronous operations support iouring as the underlying engine. Installing liburing and compiling Swoole with --enable-iouring enables asynchronous operations for functions like file_get_contents, file_put_contents, fopen, fclose, fread, fwrite, mkdir, unlink, fsync, fdatasync, rename, fstat, lstat, filesize through iouring. - Upgraded Boost Context to version 1.84. Now, Loongson CPUs can also supports coroutines. - Fixed the issue where installation via pecl was not possible. - Fixed the bug where setting keepalive was not possible for SwooleCoroutineFastCGIClient. - Fixed the issue where exceeding the max_input_vars would throw an error, causing the process to restart repeatedly. - Fixed unknown issues caused by using SwooleEvent::wait() within a coroutine. - Fixed the problem where proc_open does not support pty in coroutine mode. - Fixed segmentation fault issues with pdo_sqlite on PHP 8.3. - Fixed unnecessary warnings during the compilation of Swoole. - Fixed the error thrown by zend_fetch_resource2_ex when STDOUT/STDERR are already closed. - Fixed ineffective set_tcp_nodelay configuration. - Fixed the occasional unreachable branch issue during file upload. - Fixed the problem where setting dispatch_func would cause PHP's internals to throw errors. - Fixed the deprecation of AC_PROG_CC_C99 in autoconf >= 2.70. - Capture exceptions when thread creation fails. - Fixed the undefined problem with _tsrm_ls_cache. - Fixed the fatal compile error with GCC 14. - Removed unnecessary checks for socket structs. - Upgraded Swoole Library. - Added support for status code 451 in SwooleHttpResponse. - Synchronized file operation code across different PHP versions. - Synchronized pdo operation code across different PHP versions. - Optimized the code for Socket::ssl_recv(). - Improved config.m4; some configurations can now set library locations via pkg-config. - Optimized the use of dynamic arrays during request header parsing. - Optimized file descriptor fd lifecycle issues in multi-threading mode. - Optimized some fundamental coroutine logic. - No longer supports PHP 8.0. - No longer supports SwooleCoroutineMySQL coroutine client. - No longer supports SwooleCoroutineRedis coroutine client. - No longer supports SwooleCoroutinePostgreSQL coroutine client. - Swoole-v6.0.0-alpha is a test version and cannot be used in any production environment; it is for testing purposes only.
  • parallel 1.2.2
    - CI: move docker images from Docker Hub to GHCR - fix compilation issues with PHP 8.2 and 8.3 on 32 bit hardware - fix compilation issues with PHP 8.4 (current master) - fix Sync object debug handlers in PHP 8.3


Community News:
Latest PECL Releases (06.18.2024)
Jun 18, 2024 @ 08:05:17

Latest PECL Releases:

  • mongodb 1.19.3
    ## What's Changed

    • PHPC-2380: Add SBOM file and tooling to update it by @alcaeus in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1577
    • PHPC-2384, PHPC-2399, PHPC-2400: Publish SSDLC assets on release by @alcaeus in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1584
    • Manually merge up version bump commits by @alcaeus in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1586

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/compare/1.19.2...1.19.3

  • awscrt 1.2.6
    pick up release from upstreams
  • awscrt 1.2.4
    fix deprecated use of ${var}
  • awscrt 1.2.5
    Remove crypto.c function
  • krb5 1.2.2
    - [FEATURE] Implement channel bindings support - [API] Allow passing null channel binding in NegotiateAuth (1.2.1) - [PACKAGING] Fix PECL packaging (missing channel.c) and raise minimum version (1.2.2)


Community News:
Latest PECL Releases (06.11.2024)
Jun 11, 2024 @ 08:05:17

Latest PECL Releases:

  • datadog_trace 1.1.0
    ## Tracer


    • Implement OTel config remapping #2691
    • Remap OTel to DD status code #2695


    • Apply some fixes with sidecar trace sender #2680, #2686, #2689, #2698, #2700
    • Don't treat Symfony 2 differently from other versions #2693
    • Ensure DDTRACE_G(active_stack) is always NULL when the root span is being pushed #2701


    • Switch 2 logs to logev to avoid useless work #2679
    • shrink size of Rust artifacts #2696



    • Add thread id label on every sample #2692


    • Reduce memory usage by upgrading libdatadog to v10 #2697
  • krb5 1.2.1
    - [FEATURE] Implement channel bindings support - [API] Allow passing null channel binding in NegotiateAuth
  • krb5 1.2.0
    - [FEATURE] Implement channel bindings support
  • mongodb 1.19.2
    Release 1.19.2
    • PHPC-2391: Update drivers tools to v2 by @alcaeus in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1573
    • PHPC-2394: Update libmongoc to 1.27.2 by @jmikola in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1575

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/compare/1.19.1...1.19.2 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----

    iQIzBAABCAAdFiEEYB1UFjBzGnj7D2hrJubQdPEfzfsFAmZhv/EACgkQJubQdPEf zfsJgxAAlFnZuN8RiuXG0j/UZX+j6VVzFDSupI7Z3e8Za5tVYFPfb/XjsvacI20a x2uD4xgUt4nyLdgAxADkSdEzrGgfxL8Q3tFB3rL3s2NHm+AbIuwmAN7VNi2z59wz xIxzZtZz8l9/ivBJTueqRTAHbWAobUsFnbI1oK6rj5ycBhhZnxif/etV/1K4UIQM CddfMms6XJNSWw4PVCW+jNPVIJvO04a0JYSA6/iP13FzxPDLz0K3ebErXD2L2Z+z PXq/C+VHvmKxI7Dr9TKJ6Mae9kNz5HocxKm3npVWjOZUZlUAGTbFeAyqeDJCMf3W RU6Epwh/lcEICCdiqwZCoQ+wHQkIwOswAaRau9Fpy99f1/exUWVqqlDWbs3Y4OU5 48zgGBmsOWWCAEyxdtwpWkV8OcqjgOPoO4jfyKjX/dv91fe2mFAQ6dgdk6UV4WXi 4lVJdW/OwcRKJcldGbzGGjUGQXN/sP4Tm1Aqo3OqmfMoOOlQDKoZkXFHDfacRt1k tUSPj0uhai1ZRO3CzN0UKmrLqX6bBFyq4eJc6l1pkn7jVdsHXYLq+1GM7dm2fCAx n7KK7USNqsz9w6xEELTl++K9tYyBu9EgcIMjd8rxDNKuLYkteEOlmmZxLRMNB2gT 2ZgtH6PmX+QiXJDKzpboqUodNBvsYlrZQcIsLBWnOIfZAlBAzcE= =1rMo -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

  • swoole 5.1.3
    - Fix the problem of being unable to install through pecl. - Fix the issue of SwooleCoroutineFastCGIClient client being unable to set keepalive. - Fix the issue of process continuously restarting due to error thrown when request parameters exceed max_input_vars. - Fix the unknown issue caused by using SwooleEvent::wait() in a coroutine. - Fix the issue of proc_open not supporting pty when used in a coroutine. - Fix the segmentation fault issue in pdo_sqlite on PHP 8.3. - Fix the unnecessary warning when compiling Swoole. - Fix the error thrown when calling zend_fetch_resource2_ex on closed STDOUT/STDERR. - Fix the invalid set_tcp_nodelay configuration. - Fix the occasional unreachable branch issue triggered during file uploads. - Fix the issue causing PHP core to throw errors when dispatch_func is set. - Fix the obsolete warning of AC_PROG_CC_C99 in autoconf >= 2.70 version. - Remove unnecessary checks for socket structs. - Upgrade the Swoole library. - Add support for http status code 451 in SwooleHttpResponse. - Synchronize file operation code across different versions of PHP. - Synchronize PDO operation code across different versions of PHP. - Optimize the code for Socket::ssl_recv() function. - Optimized config.m4 by allowing some configurations to set dependency library locations using pkg-config. - Optimize the issue with using dynamic arrays when parsing request headers.
  • protobuf 4.27.1
    * See github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/tag/v27.1 for release notes.


Community News:
Latest PECL Releases (06.04.2024)
Jun 04, 2024 @ 08:05:15

Latest PECL Releases:

  • zephir_parser 1.6.1
    ### Fixed

    • Fix lcov coverage #151
  • gRPC 1.64.1
    - gRPC Core 1.64.1 update
  • gRPC 1.64.0RC2
    - gRPC Core 1.64.0 update
  • mongodb 1.19.1
    Release 1.19.1
    • PHPC-2382: Allow static builds with php-src by @jmikola in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1555
    • Use stable version of release tooling by @alcaeus in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1558
    • Add test job to build and install PECL package by @alcaeus in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1559
    • Merge v1.18 into v1.19 by @mongodb-php-bot in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1561
    • PHPC-2326: Run static analysis by @alcaeus in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1539
    • PHPC-2388: Install VC15 component for PHP 7.4 by @jmikola in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1565
    • PHPC-2388: Simplify steps for VC15 installation by @jmikola in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1567

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/compare/1.19.0...1.19.1 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----

    iQIzBAABCAAdFiEEYB1UFjBzGnj7D2hrJubQdPEfzfsFAmZWDnEACgkQJubQdPEf zfuIiRAAmpAlZ+DBj4gqMXF1UVk2UiHhBclEEwchS1BoXcD8QOpIlYgURc+Bup+/ 63O54x8edgv24fwaBcyHleEvDd9aQJ+hYCaUyU/7SKLYudF3x/y0u9A8N4xZp1bc mbdY8NC9AMpWQZNaLaZQx/s31CplkCboouwYdi1s5LGuiPz7yNwxqoRJTP5TuBTY hYQA0ah4sTDc2WJ76vR2MWngFPfJbhnNk5BJbDMrqHANkORfwB5IXFKnyq84qOxw qHgEakCrtjgp2e9KN8edG2WL8liRZJk/XO7P6UuRGMbBNWETl5jHyKExyuMnQ2eC 5nYKTRitoCItp4QeA4oD38FMBKRgmdwd898E36wShnA+W+sXsH+tcufk+QCrkAL+ UbwgepWWNhoUu6/mF1Zs8U7eEaokLZbwTXupDReQBxcwXE3U1SkczPP6bAfynokY L7LbVxmqoI7RTS7czwPyZrMempCkNh3BElKsjYgihqJZJMVBWqSTb13KS+QONtww MnUU6a7E70IepWZhyA0yFpjpBH/XeJELJPJDnZH1yuK59taRf7HWsCAhyyRZzC6B iL3LLO4I2A39kS6vr68HyaYDov2RCW+b8kVo4Hh+/ccdfOr1ZwB2bMLRzmoHEIvR gSgaf7qG9jfAZMToiNbZQTbvrkaGWFUEwTTUSpQ+8TXtHHZmVPs= =pXrG -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----



Community News:
Latest PEAR Releases (06.03.2024)
Jun 03, 2024 @ 08:05:18

Latest PEAR Releases:



Community News:
Latest PECL Releases (05.28.2024)
May 28, 2024 @ 08:05:20

Latest PECL Releases:

  • protobuf 4.27.0
    * See github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/tag/v27.0 for release notes.



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