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Delicious Brains Blog:
WP-CLI Packages: Supercharge Your WordPress Development
Jan 24, 2018 @ 17:55:59

The Delicious Brains site has a tutorial posted showing you how to supercharge your WordPress development with the help of WP-CLI packages.

I think most developers would agree that my-hacks.php. It is my favorite way to set up new WordPress sites, control WordPress with CRON, manage plugins, quickly test code, and a whole host of other tasks that are quicker and easier to complete via the CLI or a shell script.

“What,” you might ask, “could possibly be better than WP-CLI?”. “A lot of things…” I would reply [...] but then I might catch myself and realize that your question was probably scoped to WordPress development and related tools so I would cough loudly and continue, “cough I mean… Packages… For WP-CLI. WP-CLI Packages”

The post then goes on to talk about the WP-CLI package index and some of the packages they like to use including:

  • aaemnnosttv/wp-cli-login-command
  • binarygary/db-checkpoint
  • markri/wp-sec

Each includes a brief summary of what the package offers and a code example of it in use. The post ends with some unfortunate news, however - that the package index is essentially dead.

tagged: wpcli packages index tutorial introduction list

Link: https://deliciousbrains.com/wordpress-cli-packages-review/

How to Speed Up WordPress Development and Maintenance with WP-CLI
Oct 05, 2017 @ 16:20:51

The DeveloperDrive site has posted a tutorial for the WordPress users out there showing them how to enhance their workflow with WP-CLI, the command line tool that can be used to administer your WordPress instance without needing to log into the web UI.

As a WordPress developer, you’ve probably installed the WordPress CMS, updated it, and activated themes and plugins hundreds of times. And although these routine development and maintenance tasks are fairly easy to do with WordPress’ graphical user interface, doing them over and over again isn’t very efficient.

The good news is that you can easily and effectively speed up WordPress development and maintenance with the WordPress Command Line Interface (WP-CLI). With this in mind, in this post, we’ll explore the different ways you can use WP-CLI and offer some helpful WP-CLI commands to help you get started with a step in the right direction.

The post starts with a brief introduction to the WP-CLI tool and shows how to get it installed on your system in a Unix-based environment (basically grabbing a phar). It then walks you through some of the features of the tool including:

  • installing a new WordPress instance from scratch
  • keeping it updated
  • managing themes and plugins
  • creating custom post types

Examples of each command line call are included as well as some details about options and what's happening behind the scenes.

tagged: wordpress development wpcli commandline tool tutorial

Link: http://www.developerdrive.com/2017/10/how-to-speed-up-wordpress-development-and-maintenance-with-wp-cli/

What Is WP-CLI? A Beginner’s Guide
May 18, 2017 @ 15:35:31

The TutsPlus.com site has posted a new tutorial introducing you to the WordPress command line tool, the WP-CLI.

WP-CLI has been around for quite some time now (circa 2011) and has steadily gained momentum in the WordPress developer community. But what is it exactly, and how can you use it in your WordPress workflow?

The idea behind WP-CLI is that it allows you to interact with, and manage, WordPress sites via a command line interface. According to the official documentation, it's a command line alternative to using the traditional WordPress admin user interface.

They starts by explaining some of what the tool can do and help you get it installed either manually (on Mac or Windows) or more automatically for the DesktopServer users out there. The tutorial then goes through the basics of using the wp command line tool including getting a listing of current settings, showing the version installed and getting a list of currently installed plugins and themes. It also shows how to install new plugins, list posts, pages and comments currently in the system. The post ends with some additional resources where you can get more information about the WP-CLI tool and its features.

tagged: wordpress wpcli tool commandline introduction tutorial

Link: https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/what-is-wp-cli-a-beginners-guide--cms-28649

Writing Functional Tests for WP-CLI Packages
Jan 05, 2017 @ 18:57:25

On the Delicious Brains blog there's a post sharing some of their knowledge about building tests for WP-CLI packages, a set of command line tools for administering a WordPress installation. Their testing makes use of the Behat testing tool (already in use on WP-CLI's own tests).

My last article was part of a short series on automating local WordPress site setup. In that series, we created a WP-CLI package that helps with installing and uninstalling WordPress development environments, and we even got it submitted to the WP-CLI Package Index.

[...] In this post we’re going to take a bit of a break from automating WordPress installs and start writing some functional tests to make sure that everything works as expected. While I’ll be writing the tests for the wp installer command, the same concepts should apply for any WP-CLI package.

They start by clarifying the difference between functional and unit tests and how to get your environment all set up and ready to use for testing. They help you get the wp_scaffold_package installed and how to confirm that everything is working as expected. From there it's all about the tests: ensuring that a package is active, creating a custom step to use in testing and an example of what the output should look like.

tagged: functional test wordpress wpcli package behat tutorial

Link: https://deliciousbrains.com/writing-functional-tests-wp-cli-packages/

SitePoint WordPress Blog:
How to Install and Use WP-CLI to Manage WordPress Websites
Nov 04, 2015 @ 15:19:13

On the SitePoint WordPress blog they've posted a tutorial showing you how to install and use the WP-CLI tool to manage your WordPress-powered websites.

Speeding up your work process should be one of your top priorities. Simply put, if you do more work in less time, then you will have more time to work on more projects, study and rest. WP-CLI is one of the command line tools specifically made to manage your WordPress websites through the command line. With a few simple commands, you can manage WordPress without even needing to login to your WordPress admin and navigate through the pages.

They start with some of the requirements to use the WP-CLI tool and follow it with the steps to get it installed and moved to the right place on your system. They then show off some of the functionality the command-line tool has to offer including:

  • working with the WP cache
  • installing WordPress core
  • installing themes and plugins

The WP-CLI tool also helps you keep your WordPress installation up to date, including core and themes/plugins too.

tagged: wordpress tutorial wpcli commandline tool install

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/wp-cli/

SitePoint PHP Blog:
WP API and OAuth – Using WordPress without WordPress
Jul 16, 2015 @ 18:08:54

The SitePoint PHP blog has posted a tutorial showing you how to "use WordPress without WordPress" via a basic RESTish API installed via plugin. The article focuses on using the OAuth authentication method to connect a client to the WP instance, linked to a system user via generated tokens.

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to install and use WP-API with OAuth – a WordPress plugin which uses REST-like API endpoints to allow reading of WP content to unauthenticated users, and writing of WP content to users who authenticate via OAuth (or via Cookies for themes and plugins). Using the plugin isn’t very straightforward, and the prerequisite list is quite long, so this post was written to make it simple and relatively approachable (as long as you’re in control of your own server).

The tutorial walks you through the steps to get a WordPress instance installed (via a git clone) and setting it up to work with Homestead Improved. He then installs the "wp-cli" tool to get the OAuth1 plugin needed to make things work correctly and how to use it to generate the needed key and secret for the OAuth connection. He then makes a simple script that uses the Guzzle HTTP client and it's OAuth handling to make the OAuth request for a token, call the callback page and return the bearer token for the remainder of the requests. Finally he creates a simple page that uses this token to submit a new article via the API and views it in the WordPress interface.

tagged: wordpress api tutorial oauth guzzle oauth1 wpcli rest

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/wp-api-and-oauth-using-wordpress-without-wordpress/

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