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Rob Allen's Blog:
What problem does dependency injection solve?
Feb 20, 2012 @ 15:37:15

In his latest post Rob Allen seeks to answer the question "what problem does dependency injection solve?":

Zend Framework 2 comes with a dependency injection container (DIC), as does Symfony 2 and Aura, along with many other PHP frameworks that target PHP 5.3 or hight nowadays. This article attempts to explore the problem that a DIC tries to solve.

He gives an example (somewhat based on the same structure of his Zend Framework tutorial) showing how you could use DI to inject the Artist object into the Album object. This allows for more flexibility if more Artist types are added (extending the main Artist, of course). His second example shows how to use a DIC to hold album information.

tagged: dependency injection tutorial example container artist album


Jeremry Johnstone's Blog:
PHP interface to Picasa Web Albums
Jun 26, 2006 @ 10:53:11

Jeremry Johnstone was a bit on the bored side this weekend, so he decided to work with the Google Picasa Web Albums interface to see what all it can do. The results is this class package that has several of the base features already implemented.

Got bored this weekend and decided to play around with Picasa Web Albums. After a little poking around, found the protocol was pretty basic and decided to see what could be done with it. The first thing I decided to do was to reimplement the "client side" functionality.

You can get a list of albums (including album meta information), a list of photos in an album (including image meta info), have the ability to create new albums, and the ability to upload images to your online gallery.

He also mentions the next step in the process he's developing - a proxy server that will allow uploads from Picasa out to either Flickr, Y! Photos, or Gallery. You can get the code here.

tagged: google picasa web album interface simple api list photo upload google picasa web album interface simple api list photo upload


Jeremry Johnstone's Blog:
PHP interface to Picasa Web Albums
Jun 26, 2006 @ 10:53:11

Jeremry Johnstone was a bit on the bored side this weekend, so he decided to work with the Google Picasa Web Albums interface to see what all it can do. The results is this class package that has several of the base features already implemented.

Got bored this weekend and decided to play around with Picasa Web Albums. After a little poking around, found the protocol was pretty basic and decided to see what could be done with it. The first thing I decided to do was to reimplement the "client side" functionality.

You can get a list of albums (including album meta information), a list of photos in an album (including image meta info), have the ability to create new albums, and the ability to upload images to your online gallery.

He also mentions the next step in the process he's developing - a proxy server that will allow uploads from Picasa out to either Flickr, Y! Photos, or Gallery. You can get the code here.

tagged: google picasa web album interface simple api list photo upload google picasa web album interface simple api list photo upload


IBM developerWorks:
Developing PHP the Ajax way, Part 1 - Getting started
Jun 01, 2006 @ 11:44:56

IBM developerWorks has posted this new tutorial, the first part in a two-part series looking at the development of a PHP/Ajax application using Saxjax.

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax), is arguably the most popular new Web technology. In this two-part "Developing PHP the Ajax way" series, you will create a simple photo album as an online Web application, entirely in PHP and the Simple Ajax Toolkit (Sajax). You'll begin by writing a simple photo album using the standard method of PHP development and later apply Sajax to make it an active Web application.

There's no hesitation on their part - they just jump right in and start in with the image pager class to handle the display of a number of images at a time. The files are stored in a directory on the local filesystem (as they should be) and pulling them in is just a matter of reading the directory. They integrate in basic back/forward and the ability to enlarge the images and the basic gallery is complete.

Now, it's time for the fun stuff - they take the processing that the PHP script was doing to grab the files/display them/etc and move it to the backend, replacing it with a simple Ajax call to another PHP file to grab the image information to display. They even finish off this part of the series with a method for implementing metadata for the images, an XML file with a summary of the file's attributes, date taken - anything you want, really.

tagged: develop ajax saxjax simple photo album tutorial part1 develop ajax saxjax simple photo album tutorial part1


IBM developerWorks:
Developing PHP the Ajax way, Part 1 - Getting started
Jun 01, 2006 @ 11:44:56

IBM developerWorks has posted this new tutorial, the first part in a two-part series looking at the development of a PHP/Ajax application using Saxjax.

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax), is arguably the most popular new Web technology. In this two-part "Developing PHP the Ajax way" series, you will create a simple photo album as an online Web application, entirely in PHP and the Simple Ajax Toolkit (Sajax). You'll begin by writing a simple photo album using the standard method of PHP development and later apply Sajax to make it an active Web application.

There's no hesitation on their part - they just jump right in and start in with the image pager class to handle the display of a number of images at a time. The files are stored in a directory on the local filesystem (as they should be) and pulling them in is just a matter of reading the directory. They integrate in basic back/forward and the ability to enlarge the images and the basic gallery is complete.

Now, it's time for the fun stuff - they take the processing that the PHP script was doing to grab the files/display them/etc and move it to the backend, replacing it with a simple Ajax call to another PHP file to grab the image information to display. They even finish off this part of the series with a method for implementing metadata for the images, an XML file with a summary of the file's attributes, date taken - anything you want, really.

tagged: develop ajax saxjax simple photo album tutorial part1 develop ajax saxjax simple photo album tutorial part1


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