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Hasin Hayder's Blog:
Building services like FriendFeed using PHP - Part 1
Jun 02, 2008 @ 13:47:32

Hasin Hayder has posted part one of a series he's doing on making an application similar to the popular FriendFeed site in PHP.

Friendfeed is an excellent life streaming service aggregating all your feeds from different service providers, compile them together, build a social network among your known people and finally deliver all these feeds as a mashup. [...] In this blog post I will try to focus on how to develop such a service like Friendfeed using PHP and JS and how to scale such a huge load successfully.

This first part looks at the photo sharing handling of the application, including links to libraries already written in PHP to connect to them (like Flickr and Smugmug).

tagged: friendfeed application photo sharing flickr smugmug picasa zoomr


Zend Developer Zone:
Zend_Gdata for Picasa, YouTube, Google Documents List
Dec 18, 2007 @ 14:46:00

On the Zend Developer Zone there's a new post from Bill Karwin highlighting the Zend_GData component of the Zend Framework and how it can help grab information from the Google Data APIs.

The recent Zend Framework 1.0.3 release includes new support for some great services, including Picasa Web Albums, YouTube, and Google Documents List.

He talks about the interfaces for each of these (including what you can grab) and includes some pointers to example code that can be used with either the full framework or just the GData bundle. There's also a video demo of the component being used to fetch data from the Data API.

tagged: zendgdata google data api picasa youtube documents zendframework zendgdata google data api picasa youtube documents zendframework


Zend Developer Zone:
Zend_Gdata for Picasa, YouTube, Google Documents List
Dec 18, 2007 @ 14:46:00

On the Zend Developer Zone there's a new post from Bill Karwin highlighting the Zend_GData component of the Zend Framework and how it can help grab information from the Google Data APIs.

The recent Zend Framework 1.0.3 release includes new support for some great services, including Picasa Web Albums, YouTube, and Google Documents List.

He talks about the interfaces for each of these (including what you can grab) and includes some pointers to example code that can be used with either the full framework or just the GData bundle. There's also a video demo of the component being used to fetch data from the Data API.

tagged: zendgdata google data api picasa youtube documents zendframework zendgdata google data api picasa youtube documents zendframework


Jeremry Johnstone's Blog:
PHP interface to Picasa Web Albums
Jun 26, 2006 @ 10:53:11

Jeremry Johnstone was a bit on the bored side this weekend, so he decided to work with the Google Picasa Web Albums interface to see what all it can do. The results is this class package that has several of the base features already implemented.

Got bored this weekend and decided to play around with Picasa Web Albums. After a little poking around, found the protocol was pretty basic and decided to see what could be done with it. The first thing I decided to do was to reimplement the "client side" functionality.

You can get a list of albums (including album meta information), a list of photos in an album (including image meta info), have the ability to create new albums, and the ability to upload images to your online gallery.

He also mentions the next step in the process he's developing - a proxy server that will allow uploads from Picasa out to either Flickr, Y! Photos, or Gallery. You can get the code here.

tagged: google picasa web album interface simple api list photo upload google picasa web album interface simple api list photo upload


Jeremry Johnstone's Blog:
PHP interface to Picasa Web Albums
Jun 26, 2006 @ 10:53:11

Jeremry Johnstone was a bit on the bored side this weekend, so he decided to work with the Google Picasa Web Albums interface to see what all it can do. The results is this class package that has several of the base features already implemented.

Got bored this weekend and decided to play around with Picasa Web Albums. After a little poking around, found the protocol was pretty basic and decided to see what could be done with it. The first thing I decided to do was to reimplement the "client side" functionality.

You can get a list of albums (including album meta information), a list of photos in an album (including image meta info), have the ability to create new albums, and the ability to upload images to your online gallery.

He also mentions the next step in the process he's developing - a proxy server that will allow uploads from Picasa out to either Flickr, Y! Photos, or Gallery. You can get the code here.

tagged: google picasa web album interface simple api list photo upload google picasa web album interface simple api list photo upload


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