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SitePoint PHP Blog:
Building an Image Gallery Blog with Symfony Flex (Parts 1 & 2)
Jun 21, 2018 @ 16:48:56

On the SitePoint PHP blog they've kicked off a series by Zoran Antolovic walking through the creation of a blog application using the latest from the Symfony project - Symfony Flex.

Our journey towards a stable, robust, high-performance web app will start with the simple but functional application — the so-called minimum viable product (MVP). We’ll populate the database with random content, do some benchmarks and improve performance incrementally. Every article in this series will be a checkpoint on our journey!

This article will cover the basics of setting up the project and organizing files for our Symfony Flex project. I’ll also show you some tips, tricks and helper scripts I’m using for speeding up the development.

So far they've posted the first two articles of the series:

  • Part one explaining some of the basics of Flex and getting the application set up (including some sample fixture data)
  • Part two showing how to populate the application with more realistic data, run some basic performance tests and create a first unit test

There's much more to come in the series including the creation of file (image) upload handling, user registration and login and the creation of image galleries from uploads.

tagged: image gallery blog tutorial symfonyflex symfony flex part1 part2

Link: https://www.sitepoint.com/building-image-gallery-blog-symfony-flex-setup/

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