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Esben Petersen:
A modern REST API in Laravel 5 Part 1: Structure
Mar 09, 2017 @ 16:44:56

Esben Petersen has kicked off his series on creating a modern REST framework in Laravel 5 with part one in the series. This first tutorial focuses on the setup of the application using a "folders by component" approach.

Over time when your API grows in size it also grows in complexity. Many moving parts work together in order for it to function. If you do not employ a scaleable structure you will have a hard time maintaining your API. New additions will cause side effects and breakage in other places etc.

It is important to realize in software development no singular structure is the mother of all structures. It is important to build a toolbox of patterns which you can employ given different situations. This article will serve as an opinionated piece on how such a structure could look.

The tutorial covers structure on three different levels (patterns): application flow, project folder structure and resource folder structure. For each level they cover some of the basic concepts involved and share code showing how it could be implemented including controllers, repositories, middleware and fitting it all into a a resource folder structure.

tagged: laravel rest api laravel5 tutorial series part1 structure

Link: http://esbenp.github.io/2016/04/11/modern-rest-api-laravel-part-1/

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