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Raphael Stolt's Blog:
Tinyizing URLs with Zend_Http_Client
Nov 03, 2008 @ 13:55:00

In this new post today Raphael Stolt shows how to use the Zend_Http_Client component of the Zend Framework to "tinyize" a URL.

In a recent blog post Dave Marshall outlined a quick workaround for tweeting via the Zend_Http_Client component which is a reasonable approach for calling services that aren't in the Zend Framework core yet like Zend_Service_Twitter or are not supported out of the box. Therefore this post will try to describe a Zend Framework way of creating tinyized URLs.

He creates a UrlShorterner interface containing a shortenize() method that automates sending a URL over to the tinyurl.com web service and returning the results.

tagged: tinyize tinyurl zendhttpclient shorten url


Dave Marshall's Blog:
Zend Framework and the Twitter API
Oct 21, 2008 @ 14:33:42

Dave Marshall has a (very) quick post on tying together your Zend Framework application with the Twitter API.

Zend_Service_Twitter looks like it will be fairly comprehensive, but it's not in the core yet and is probably a little overkill for my simple use case. I then had a look at Zend_Rest_Client, which seemed to confuse me. I couldn't actually get it to add the parameters I wanted to the call, I guess it’s better for interacting with Zend_Rest_Server or fully restful APIs.

He opts for the Zend_Http_Client component and includes the simple fifteen line script to make the connection and post a new update.

tagged: zendframework tutorial twitter api zendrestclient zendrestserver zendhttpclient


Lukas Smith's Blog:
One thumb up and two down (Zend_Http_Client)
Jun 16, 2008 @ 14:32:24

Coming back from some previous comments about the Zend_Http_Client in the Zend Framework, Lukas Smith admits that a certain feature has come in handy with their development, but another bug has come up that has gotten under his skin - a problem with the component's cookie handling.

We ran into a really hard to find bug in the cookie handling of Zend_Http_Client, which has been filed as a bug back in August 2007 against version 1.0.1 (today we are at 1.5.2). More over this is a bug that other similar packages have gotten over in 2004.

He had to use wireshark to finally track down the culprit - a call to urlencode on the contents of the cookie before sending it. He also includes some code to overcome a problem he had with UTF-16 in one of his feeds (a custom function that takes in and returns a string translated correctly).

tagged: zendframework zendhttpclient cookie handling urlencode utf16 encode


Shahar Evron's Blog:
Adapters of the new Zend_Http_Client
Dec 07, 2006 @ 20:41:00

On his blog, Premature Optimization, Shahar Evron has posted some information about work he's done on the Zend_Http_Client package of the Zend Framework - including the push to make it live.

Earlier this week, I finally (after long and hard work) pushed the Zend_Http_Client out of the incubator and into the core of Zend Framework, and it will be released with the 0.6 preview release.

Some of the things introduced in this package include the introduction of "connection adapters", a method of having an adapter object made responsible for handling the networking connection. The default for this is the socket adapter, but work is already being done to create cURL and future ideas for a caching adapter or a pfsockopen-based option for more preferment connection needs.

Shahar also includes some stats to show off what the new package can do and how many requests per second it can handle.

tagged: zendhttpclient zend framework package adapter socket curl cache zendhttpclient zend framework package adapter socket curl cache


Shahar Evron's Blog:
Adapters of the new Zend_Http_Client
Dec 07, 2006 @ 20:41:00

On his blog, Premature Optimization, Shahar Evron has posted some information about work he's done on the Zend_Http_Client package of the Zend Framework - including the push to make it live.

Earlier this week, I finally (after long and hard work) pushed the Zend_Http_Client out of the incubator and into the core of Zend Framework, and it will be released with the 0.6 preview release.

Some of the things introduced in this package include the introduction of "connection adapters", a method of having an adapter object made responsible for handling the networking connection. The default for this is the socket adapter, but work is already being done to create cURL and future ideas for a caching adapter or a pfsockopen-based option for more preferment connection needs.

Shahar also includes some stats to show off what the new package can do and how many requests per second it can handle.

tagged: zendhttpclient zend framework package adapter socket curl cache zendhttpclient zend framework package adapter socket curl cache


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