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Cal Evans' Blog:
A List of Drupal Podcasts
Feb 28, 2011 @ 19:55:47

Cal Evans has a new post to his blog today listing some of the more popular Drupal podcasts that he's found for his wife to listen to on her way in to work.

The lovely and talented Kathy has been working with Drupal now for a year and has decided that she really likes it. Since I believe in using commute time to learn, I decided to see what I could find for her to listen to on her daily commute. I found several active Drupal podcasts and vidcasts. Here’s the list I gave to her, if you are into Drupal, give them a listen and quit wasting that morning commute waiting for the shock-jocks to actually say something funny.

The podcasts on his list include the Acquia Podcast Series, the Lullabot Drupal Podcast and the Learn By The Drop Videos.

tagged: drupal podcast list vidcast


CodeIgniter From Scratch: Day 2
Jul 28, 2009 @ 13:17:16

NETTUTS.com has posted Day 2 of their "CodeIgniter from Scratch" series of vidcasts following up on the first day.

Continuing on from day 1, today, I'll teach you five different ways to write select statements for your database. If you haven't watched the first entry in this video series, don't worry; each video can function on its own as a single tutorial. Having said that, I highly recommend that you watch each screencast.

You can watch the vidcast through their in-page player or just grab the source code for their examples and get to work.

tagged: codeigniter tutorial beginner vidcast


CodeIgniter From Scratch: Day 1
Jul 15, 2009 @ 12:56:44

On NETTUTS.com a new series of vidcasts has started up introducing the CodeIgniter framework (the first of ten parts):

After numerous requests, today we are launching a new screencast series on Nettuts+ that will focus exclusively on the CodeIgniter PHP framework. Over the course of about 10 videos, I'll teach you exactly how to use this framework. Ultimately, we'll work our way up to building a custom CMS. Without further ado, here's day one!

The video (which is also available on iTunes in a higher quality) lays down some of the fundamentals - what the framework is, how its structured and some examples of how it can be used. You can also download the source for all of the examples in the video.

tagged: vidcast tutorial codeigniter


Diving into PHP
Mar 13, 2009 @ 16:11:28

On the NETUTS.com website they've posted a part of their "Dive into PHP" series (part thirteen) cross-posted from the ThemeForest blog (subscribe here). In this edition the vidcast looks at how to handle file uploads in PHP.

By posting short ten minute episodes, beginners can easily digest each lesson, rather than become overwhelmed with more information than their minds are able to consume. [...] In this lesson, you'll learn how to upload files, and how to use regular expressions to ensure that inappropriate file types aren't uploaded to your server.

You can follow along with the vidcast and check out the demo or just skip straight to the source code to get going right away. Links to some of the other video tutorials are also included for things like working with variables, regular expressions and getting started with MySQL.

tagged: introduction video vidcast series file upload source demo


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