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php[architect] Podcast:
Episode 3: Composing Software
Oct 25, 2017 @ 16:10:16

php[architect] has posted the latest episode of their podcast, hosted by PHP community members Eric van Johnson and John Congdon - Episode 3: Composing Software.

In this episode, we dive into the October 2017 issue and how to use Composer to build a modern PHP application. Do you have a thought on the topics covered? Do you use queues obsessively, or not? Let us know with a comment.

Topics covered by Eric and John include articles in the October issue of the magazine, new ways to use Composer, machine learning and more. Editor Oscar Merida also joins them and talks about frameworks versus "plain" PHP. You can listen to this latest episode either using the in-page audio player or by downloading the mp3 of the show for offline listening. Also, if you enjoy the episode, be sure to subscribe to their feed for updates when new episodes are released.

tagged: phparchitect podcast ep3 composing software

Link: https://www.phparch.com/podcast/episode-3-composing-software/

Laravel News Podcast:
LN 03: Laravel Quickstart Tutorials
Nov 05, 2015 @ 15:10:25

The Laravel News podcast, with host Eric Barnes, has posted their latest episode today, Episode #3 - Laravel Quickstart Tutorials:

In this episode of the Laravel News Podcast, we discuss the new Laravel quick start guides, features coming to Laravel 5.2, Elixir and Bootstrap, Developer interruptions and more!

He also talks about a Laravel tagging package, forcing complex passwords in Laravel apps and an article from Ryan Winchester about forcing password requirements on users, even if it's more secure than your requirements. You can listen to this latest episode either through the in-page audio player or you can subscribe on iTunes to pull down the show and listen at your leisure.

tagged: laravel quickstart tutorial laravelnews podcast ep3 ericbarnes

Link: https://laravel-news.com/2015/11/ln-03-laravel-quickstart-tutorials/

Run Geek Radio:
Episode 003 – OpenWest Namebadges, Overtraining, Dev Salary & Freelance Rates, [...]
May 15, 2015 @ 17:19:00

The Run Geek Radio podcast, with host and PHP community member Adam Culp, has released its latest episode - Episode 003 – OpenWest Namebadges, Overtraining, Developer Salary and Freelance Rates, Saving Money.

Adam Culp talks about the awesome namebadges at the OpenWest conference, and how assembly was required using a soldering iron. Then shares symptoms, causes, and treatment for over-training while running. (mentions Tension Tamer tea, but intended to speak about Sleepy Time tea instead) Following this the subject of developers and money was covered. What should developers charge per hour, what should a freelance developer pay themselves, and what should developers do to save money for a rainy day.

You can listen to this latest episode either through the in-page audio player or by downloading the mp3 of the show. If you enjoy it, be sure to subscribe to the feed too for more shows in the future.

tagged: rungeekradio ep3 podcast openwest namebadge overtrain developer salary freelance rates saving money

Link: https://rungeekradio.com/episode003/

Full Stack Radio:
Episode 3: Ruby, PHP, OO design, testing & other crap with Matt Machuga
Nov 17, 2014 @ 18:15:57

The Full Stack Radio podcast has released their latest episode today - Episode #3: Ruby, PHP, object oriented design, testing and other crap with Matt Machuga, with host Adam Wathan.

In this episode, Adam talks with Matt Machuga of Think Through Math about being a Rubyist who still writes PHP and the differences between writing PHP like a Rubyist vs. writing PHP like a Java developer. They also talk about common struggles when learning new things, and trying to remain pragmatic while still pushing the boundaries of what you know.

Links in the show notes include Matt's personal website, DHH on dependency injection and a book on Domain Driven Design. You can check out this episode either using the downloading the mp3. If you enjoy the episode, be sure to subscribe to their feed.

tagged: fullstackradio podcast ep3 ruby objectoriented design testing mattmachuga

Link: http://fullstackradio.com/episodes/3/

Sound of Symfony:
Episode 3 - Developer Experience
Aug 20, 2014 @ 17:05:07

The Sound of Symfony podcast has posted their latest episode today: Episode #3, "Developer experience. Join hosts Magnus Nordlander and Tobias Nyholm as they talk about the Symfony project's recent emphasis on the developer experience.

In this much belated episode we talk about developer experience and getting new coders into your open source project. The episode features not one, but two interviews. First up we have a short talk with Ryan Weaver about the DX initiative and the DX hack day, and afterwards we talk to Cathy Theys from Drupal about Drupal's mentoring efforts and how you can make your project more welcoming to new developers.

The episode includes the two interviews and mentions of several topics including the name of the next release of PHP and the announcement of the Symfony Live London 2014 speakers. You can listen to this latest episode either through the in-page player or you can download the audio file for offline listening. If you enjoy the episode, consider subscribing to their feed to get the latest episodes delivered as they're released.

tagged: soundofsymfony podcast ep3 developer experience ryanweaver cathytheys

Link: http://www.soundofsymfony.com/episode/episode-3/

That Podcast:
A New Podcast from Beau Simensen & Dave Marshall
Jul 03, 2014 @ 16:09:08

That Podcast, a new podcast series hosted by Beau Simensen and Dave Marshall has already posted several shows (four of them) talking about a wide range of topics including:

Each of the episodes has a list of links to the topics mentioned and let you listen either through an in-page player or by downloading the episode's mp3. You can also subscribe to their feed to get their latest episodes.

tagged: thatpodcast ep1 ep2 ep3 ep4 podcast beausimensen davemarshall

Link: http://thatpodcast.io

Loosely Coupled Podcast:
Episode 3: Conference Conversations
May 01, 2014 @ 17:27:58

The Loosely Coupled podcast, with hosts Matt Frost and Jeff Carouth, has posted it's latest episode - Episode #3: Conference Conversations. This episode was recorded live at this year's Lone Star PHP conference.

Episode 3 of the Loosely Coupled podcast was recorded live at Lone Star PHP. Since we were at a conference, we decided to do a meta episode about conference experiences and speaking at conferences. This episode covers information from how Jeff and Matt got involved with the conference community all the way through some advice on submitting your first talks. If you have never been to a conference, find a way to get to one soon. It’s more than just the presentations.

Topics covered include PHPWomen, PHP Mentoring, Derick Rethans and NomadPHP. If you want to listen to this latest episode you can use the in-page player or you can download the mp3 directly.

tagged: conference conversations looselycoupled ep3 podcast

Link: http://looselycoupled.info/blog/2014/04/30/episode-3-conference-conversations/

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