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Freek Van der Herten:
Building a realtime dashboard powered by Laravel, Vue, Pusher and Tailwind (20
Nov 21, 2018 @ 15:27:21

Freek Van der Herten has a tutorial posted on his site sharing the 2018 edition of how to build a dashboard powered by Laravel, Vue, Pusher and Tailwind CSS. It's based on a project they use internally to keep up to date on current work, events and even music people are listening to.

At Spatie we have a tv screen against the wall that displays a dashboard. This dashboard displays the tasks our team should be working on, important events in the near future, which tasks each of our team members should be working on, what music they are listening to, and so on.

[...] This dashboard is not entirely new. The initial version was published a couple of years ago. At our company, we like to tinker with new stuff. That's why we perform a big cleanup of the source code every year. We also update all the dependencies and technologies used. This year we focused on updating the design. The dashboard now uses Tailwind CSS. In this blog post, which is an update to the previous one, I like to explain how this dashboard is built.

He starts with a bit of history of the project and a look at the UI before diving into the code. The remainder of the (lengthy) tutorial is then broken down into functional pieces, each with code and explanation:

  • the creation of the markup for the grid
  • a closer look at the "internet connection" component
  • a closer look at the "statistics" component
  • the use of "dark mode" depending on the sun being up
  • displaying sites that are down

There's also a mention of the security requirements involved in the creation and use of the dashboard, the hardware used to show it on the TV and how data is saved to prevent the need for the initial "reboot" of the data.

tagged: realtime dashboard tutorial laravel vuejs pusher tailwindcss

Link: https://murze.be/building-a-realtime-dashboard-powered-by-laravel-vue-pusher-and-tailwind-2018-edition

Matt Stauffer:
Introducing Laravel Nova: A Tool for Building Admin Panels and Custom CMSes
Jul 27, 2018 @ 15:16:01

Matt Stauffer has a new post to his site that takes a "deep dive" into Laravel Nova, the recently announced administration panel that's developed by the Laravel project. This is the first post in a new series.

These are my notes that I took during the announcement on 2018-07-25. I hope to go back later and update this after a more careful re-watching of the YouTube recording that's now up, so I could get some of my code samples more exact and catch anything I missed.

If you notice anything I missed or got wrong, please let me know on Twitter! And please check back in a few days so I have time to fix this up. :)

The post reads more like a live stream than a formal write up, but the good stuff is all there:

  • the basics of what Nova provides
  • how it works
  • defining a resource
  • working with fields
  • actions/filters
  • lenses
  • searching
  • auditing

...and much more. The post goes through each item, providing screenshots, context and code to show off the feature. If you want to see the announcement for yourself, check out the video over on YouTube.

tagged: laravel nova administration dashboard indepth features code

Link: https://mattstauffer.com/blog/introducing-laravel-nova-a-tool-for-building-admin-panels-and-custom-cmses/

Laravel News:
Introducing Laravel Nova
Jul 26, 2018 @ 14:41:57

On the Laravel News site they've posted an announcement about the release of Laravel Nova, an administration dashboard created and maintained by Taylor Otwell and the Laravel project maintainers.

We’re thrilled to announce Laravel Nova, a “beautifully designed administration panel for Laravel” created by the Laravel team.

The level of customization available in Nova is mind-blowing, and it’s quite intelligent out-of-the-box once you configure Nova resources for your application.

The frontend is powered by Vue.js with the backend hooking into your current Laravel application (with a bit of extra functionality added). Information and functionality provided by Nova includes resource management tools, searching via SQL queries, custom action definition and metrics. You can find out more information about its features on the project site and sign up for the mailing list for more information when it launches in August 2018. Nova will cost $99 USD for a solo license and $!99 USD for a "site" license (business).

tagged: laravel nova administration dashboard product announcement

Link: https://laravel-news.com/laravel-nova

Freek Van der Herten:
Building a realtime dashboard powered by Laravel and Vue (2017 edition)
Jun 27, 2017 @ 14:53:33

Freek van der Herten has a recent post to his site sharing a project that was created by the team at Spatie to show real-time information on a large display there in the office. In his post he details how this system was created using Laravel for the backend and Vue.js for the frontend.

At Spatie we have a tv screen against the wall that displays a dashboard. This dashboard displays the tasks our team should be working on, important events in the near future, which music is playing at our office, and so on.

We’ve opensourced our dashboard, so you can view the entire source code on GitHub. It is built with Laravel 5.4 and Vue.

He goes through some of the history behind the project and how it was designed to replace some initial efforts with Dashing. He covers the basic functionality of the system with a high level overview and what kind of information it's displaying. From there he gets into more of the technical details of the dashboard including the grid setup, server-side code, client side Vue.js functionality and packages involved.

tagged: dashboard laravel vuejs tutorial github opensource display

Link: https://murze.be/2017/06/building-realtime-dashboard-powered-laravel-vue-2017-edition/

Building Your Startup: The Dashboard Foundation
Nov 24, 2016 @ 22:28:49

NetTuts.com has continued their "Building Your Startup" series with this latest post focusing on the dashboard for the users of the meeting planner - a "quick look" into the current stats for their account.

For my initial statistics reporting, I focused on simple real-time data and detailed historical data. For example, real-time data would tell you the number of users and meetings built on the system to date and their status.

The historical data would tell you the number of users and meetings completed over time as well as other interesting data—especially growth curves that I and prospective investors may care about.

He then walks through the creation of the dashboard view, gathering together various pieces of real-time and historical data and displaying them in a simple table view. All code and SQL required is included as well as a few screenshots showing the results.

tagged: startup series meeting planner dashboard introduction

Link: https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/building-your-startup-the-dashboard-foundation--cms-26682

Freek Van der Herten:
Building a dashboard using Laravel and Vue
Jun 09, 2016 @ 23:55:17

Freek Van der Herten has a post to his site showing you how to combine Vue.js and Laravel to make a dashboard, a simple way to display statistics and information in a "quick glance" format.

At Spatie we have tv screen against the wall that displays a dashboard. This dashboard displays the tasks that our team should be working on, important events in the near future, which music is playing at our office, and so on. We’ve opensourced our dashboard, so you can view the entire source code on GitHub. It is built with Laravel and Vue. In this post I’d like to explain why and how we made it.

He starts with a bit of history around their need for the dashboard and how previous versions (using Dashing) turned out. He gives a high level overview of what he was trying to accomplish and why he chose Vue.js. He then gets into the construction of the pieces of the dashboard:

  • the grid
  • the internet connection (server and client side)
  • the package statistics component

He also talks about the security they added to the system (protecting the dashboard from outside eyes) and how they displayed it on a TV using a Raspberry Pi.

tagged: dashboard vuejs tutorial laravel frontend backend

Link: https://murze.be/2016/06/building-dashboard-using-laravel-vue/

QaFoo Blog:
Analyze the Quality Of Your PHP Code
Oct 23, 2015 @ 19:08:12

QaFoo has posted an announcement to their blog about a new tool they're offering to help developers better visualize the quality of their PHP code with a new visualization tool, the Quality Analyzer.

In code reviews we often browse metrics, source code and reported code issues together with our customers. This leads to discussions about the current state of the code and possible improvements. First we used a bunch of shells scripts for that. In a second step we developed a simple PHP (Open Source) application helping us to do the job. Now we did the third step and rewrote that application into a React based client side (Open Source) application.

They start with an overview of why they created the tool (an evolution of the older Code Review tool) and why it was split into a frontend/backend model to provide easier pipeline integration. They then introduce the functionality in the new tool, based on a D3.js interface. A few screenshots of the interface are also included to give you an idea of how it reports its findings and the dashboard providing an overview of the findings. You can try it out by grabbing it from the project's GitHub repository.

tagged: analyze quality code tool d3js visualize dashboard

Link: https://qafoo.com/blog/076_quality_analyzer.html

Lorna Mitchell's Blog:
Using JIRA's REST API to Create a Dashboard
Mar 28, 2012 @ 15:57:56

In this recent post to her blog, Lorna Mitchell shows how to use the Jira REST API (provided as a part of some of the newer versions of the tool) to create a "dashboard" of the latest items added to the tracker.

Today what you get is an example of integrating with JIRA's REST API, because their recent "upgrade" locked me out of the issue listings pages completely and I really do need to be able to see a list of bugs! Their bug editing screen is quite usable, so it's just the list that I need here, but you could easily call their other API methods as you need to. These examples are PHP and use the Joind.in Jira tracker), parsing the JSON results and displaying the results as a simple list, looping with a foreach and outputting some HTML.

tagged: jira rest api pecl http extension issues dashboard


Sebastian Bergmann's Blog:
Code Coverage Dashboard
Apr 05, 2010 @ 14:28:00

In a new post to his blog Sebastian Bergmann talks about a new "dashboard view" that's been added to work with the PHPUnit testing suite - PHP_CodeCoverage. He talks more about what it has to offer:

PHP_CodeCoverage is a library that provides collection, processing, and rendering functionality for PHP code coverage information. Its architecture has support for multiple backends for collecting code coverage information (currently only support for Xdebug is implemented) and for reporting code coverage information (for instance using Clover XML or as an HTML report).

The dashboard shows the code's class coverage distribution, class complexity, top project risks and the least tested methods to help you narrow down potential issues in your application. Here's an example of the output.

tagged: codecoverage phpunit phpcodecoverage dashboard


10 WordPress dashboard hacks
Dec 29, 2009 @ 16:11:40

From the CatsWhoCode.com blog there's a new list of ten things you can do to help improve the performance and add extra functionality to your WordPress installation's dashboard.

The dashboard is a very important part of a WordPress blog. In fact, it allows you to control your posts, your blog design, and many more things. When building a site for a client, it is especially important to be able to control WP’s dashboard. In this article, let's have a look at 10 extremely useful hacks for WordPress' dashboard.

Some of their hacks include:

  • Remove dashboard menus
  • Replace dashboard logo with yours
  • Disable the "please upgrade now" message
  • Add custom widgets to WordPress dashboard
  • Provide help messages
tagged: wordpress dashboard hack


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