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Parsing Web Document Nodes with the Tidy Library in PHP 5
Jul 03, 2007 @ 16:50:00

Continuing on with their look at using Tidy in PHP5 applications, DevShed has posted this second part of the series, a look a parsing document nodes with the help of the Tidy library.

In this second article of the series I'm going to discuss how to extract different sections of a specific (X)HTML document (called file nodes) by using the capabilities provided by some additional functions included with this library.

They start by pulling the document into a Tidy instance and formating it a bit before moving on. Following this, they work with a few of the methods Tidy has to offer to pull information from the parsed document - tidy_get_html, tidy_get_head, tidy_get_body and tidy_get_output.

tagged: php5 parse document tutorial library gethtml gethead getbody get output php5 parse document tutorial library gethtml gethead getbody get output


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