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Embedding Model Data in Views with CodeIgniter
May 01, 2009 @ 12:50:47

In their final article in their "Introduction to CodeIgniter" series, DevShed has posted this look at how to create the views for their sample application. They'll output the user information pulled from a MySQL database.

In its current state, the structure of this sample application looked rather incomplete. It was comprised of a model and a controller class, where the first was responsible for retrieving user data from the table, and the second was charged with embedding this data in some view files, which actually haven’t been defined yet. Therefore, in this final chapter of the series I’ll be creating these views.

The new functionality they add into the application pushes an array of the user content into the "content" view. It loops through the records and outputs the first and last names as well as the user's email. Header and footer views are also included.

tagged: codeigniter tutorial framework model data mysql view user


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