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Padraic Brady's Blog:
Zend Framework Book: Surviving The Deep End - Chapter 10 Released!
Sep 09, 2009 @ 15:42:21

Padraic Brady has released the latest chapter from his "Zend Framework: Surviving the Deep End" online book - chapter 10, a look at Zend_View, Zend_Layout, HTML5 and working with CSS in the YUI.

The new chapter explores setting up the example blog application's web design using Zend_View and Zend_Layout. I also spend some time exploring HTML 5, the future standards update for HTML. [...] The web design itself makes use of the Yahoo! User Interface Library's CSS components.

He's also posted the source code divided up by the different chapters. You can find out more about the book and read the contents so far on the book's website: Survivethedeepend.com.

tagged: zendframework book zendview zendlayout html5 yui


Zend Developer Zone:
Building AutoComplete Inputs with PHP, PEAR, Dojo and YUI
Feb 04, 2009 @ 21:29:25

The Zend Developer Zone has a new tutorial posted (from Vikram Vaswani) about adding in an auto-complete input field to your site. His example uses a PEAR class, Dojo and some components of the YUI libraries.

Fortunately, modern programming toolkits like Dojo provide ready-made widgets that have the necessary client-side functions for autocomplete. Add a little bit of server-side glue, in the form of a PHP script that talks to a database to generate valid suggestions, and enabling this functionality in a Web application now becomes a matter of hours, rather than days. In this article, I'll show you how to do this using three different libraries: PEAR HTML_QuickForm, YUI, and Dojo. Come on in, and find out more!

He shows how to combine Dojo, YUI and the HTML_QuickForm PEAR package to create a field that, based on what they enter into the input field, searches a database to find values in that table.

tagged: autocomplete input field tutorial yui dojo pear htmlquickform


Asvin Balloo's Blog:
AJAX image cropper with YUI and PHP
Oct 08, 2008 @ 17:09:21

Asvin Balloo has posted a tutorial that shows how to combine the YUI libraries with PHP to create a simple image cropper.

This post will show you how to build an AJAX crop image tool using the image cropper control from YUI library and PHP. The ImageCropper Control from the YUI library gives you an interactive interface for getting the dimensions to crop an image and using these dimensions in PHP, we can do some cropping.

The script takes in an upload, shows it in the browser for cropping and once altered, pushes the altered image back out as a download. Full code is included as well as a demo of the final result and a sample file to get you started.

tagged: ajax image crop tutorial yui library control


Wolfgang Drews' Blog:
Using YUI autocomplete with Zend Framework
Feb 04, 2008 @ 15:33:00

Wolfgang Drews (of DynamicWebPages) has posted a mini-tutorial on his personal blog showing how to integrate the popular Zend Framework with the YUI Javascript libraries from Yahoo! to create an autocomplete field in your app.

Maybe this short snippet helps someone out there when using YUI autocomplete feature together with the Zend Framework or any other Framework, that creates URLs like http://domain.tld/controller/action/param/value.

He modifies the Yahoo library to change a few of the defaults to make it more Zend Framework-friendly: changing the default query format and updating the "append parameters" concatenation to replace the ampersand with a slash.

tagged: autocomplete yui yahoo library javascript zendframework


Make Me Pulse Blog:
Yui Treeview with Php tidy
Jan 23, 2008 @ 17:18:00

Antoine Ughetto has quickly posted about an interesting combination - php_tidy and the Yahoo! YUI Treeview to easily make a nested, recursive list.

A rapid experimentation with php tidy and Yui treeview for rendering the DOM of a specific page. We user the tidy_parse_file() and a simple recursive function to display a treeview.

You can check out an example over on their demo page. Plug in your website of choice and get the resulting HTML stricture (all cleaned up) represented as a nice, ordered tree list.

tagged: tidy extension yui yahoo treeview html content


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