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Extract an Excerpt from a WAV File
Feb 14, 2013 @ 16:44:25

In this new post to PHPMaster.com, Aurelio De Rosa covers an interesting use of PHP that could be handy in certain circumstances - extracting a section of a WAV audio file using the Audero Wav Extractor library.

Although PHP is well known for building web pages and applications, it can do more than that. I recently needed to extract a piece of audio from a WAV file on-the-fly and let the user download it through his browser. I tried to find a library that fit my needs but wasn’t successful and had to write the code myself. It was a good opportunity to study in depth how a WAV file is made.

He starts off with an overview of what a WAV file is, how it's structured and how you can correctly figure out where in the binary data of the file the section you want is located. He then introduces the library and shows how to use it to extract "chunks" from the WAV file. He also includes an example of pulling out a chunk and saving it off to another file.

tagged: extract wav audio file library tutorial


Joining .WAVs with PHP
Nov 27, 2006 @ 14:50:00

In this new post from the splitbrain.org website (creators of the Dokuwiki application), there's an example of how to join wav files together with PHP with a quick and easy script.

I’m currently working on a CAPTCHA plugin for DokuWiki and thought about providing audio output for users not able to see the image. This is pretty simple for CAPTCHAs - there is no need for complicated speech synthesis because you only need recordings of the 26 possible letters. But you need a way of joining those recordings on the fly...

There was an example he found previously, but it seemed like overkill, so he rolled together his own solution - a 24 line script that takes in the filenames of the wav files and spits back out the joined resource. This functionality has already been added to the CAPTCHA plugin if you'd like to check it out.

tagged: join wav file audio captcha function file join wav file audio captcha function file


Joining .WAVs with PHP
Nov 27, 2006 @ 14:50:00

In this new post from the splitbrain.org website (creators of the Dokuwiki application), there's an example of how to join wav files together with PHP with a quick and easy script.

I’m currently working on a CAPTCHA plugin for DokuWiki and thought about providing audio output for users not able to see the image. This is pretty simple for CAPTCHAs - there is no need for complicated speech synthesis because you only need recordings of the 26 possible letters. But you need a way of joining those recordings on the fly...

There was an example he found previously, but it seemed like overkill, so he rolled together his own solution - a 24 line script that takes in the filenames of the wav files and spits back out the joined resource. This functionality has already been added to the CAPTCHA plugin if you'd like to check it out.

tagged: join wav file audio captcha function file join wav file audio captcha function file


Jeremey Johnstone's Blog:
FliteTTS now available in PECL
Jan 31, 2006 @ 13:19:49

Via this digg.com post today, there's information about a new PECL extension that's been committed allowing developers to create wave forms for strings of text.

Yahoo developer Jeremy Johnstone just added a new extension to the PECL PHP library that will allow you to send a string of text and have the extensions spit back out a wave form. This is huge news for those running public sites with the "please enter the text you see here" dialogs. Now you can offer a new alternative to image captcha.

According to its PECL page, it wraps around the Flite voice synthesis library, and can take in text and quickly generate both RIFF and raw wav formats. For more info, check out his new blog entry.

tagged: pecl create wav string text text-to-speech FliteTTS pecl create wav string text text-to-speech FliteTTS


Jeremey Johnstone's Blog:
FliteTTS now available in PECL
Jan 31, 2006 @ 13:19:49

Via this digg.com post today, there's information about a new PECL extension that's been committed allowing developers to create wave forms for strings of text.

Yahoo developer Jeremy Johnstone just added a new extension to the PECL PHP library that will allow you to send a string of text and have the extensions spit back out a wave form. This is huge news for those running public sites with the "please enter the text you see here" dialogs. Now you can offer a new alternative to image captcha.

According to its PECL page, it wraps around the Flite voice synthesis library, and can take in text and quickly generate both RIFF and raw wav formats. For more info, check out his new blog entry.

tagged: pecl create wav string text text-to-speech FliteTTS pecl create wav string text text-to-speech FliteTTS


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