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Matthew Weier O'Phinney's Blog:
Zend Framework/Dojo Integration QA Slides
May 28, 2008 @ 15:29:08

If you weren't able to make it to yesterday's webinar from Zend and the Dojo group about their partnership, Matthew Weier O'Phinney is ready to hook you up with all of the details they presented.

We had our Zend Framework/Dojo integration QA today. Aside from some connectivity issues at the beginning of the presentation, things went smoothly, and there were some good questions.

He's made the slides both available for download directly and as a slideshow on Slideshare. He doesn't mention when the recording of the webinar will be out, but it shouldn't be too far off.

tagged: zendframework dojo integration slides webinar slideshare


Stoyan Stefanov's Blog:
The PHP QC presentation featured on Slideshare's homepage
Mar 28, 2008 @ 15:22:48

In a (very) quick note on his blog today Stoyan Stefanov points out that a presentation of his posted over on Slideshare made the front page Featured section (with over 2600 views too!).

Not bad. Especially having in mind that this is the second time around. [...] Slideshare is a great service nevertheless, just like on youtube, you can spend hours browsing people's presentation slides.

The presentation was originally given at the PHP Quebec conference this year (2008).

tagged: slideshare presentation performance web page stoyanstefanov


Hasin Hayder's Blog:
Hacking SlideShare.net using PHP
Feb 11, 2008 @ 17:22:00

Hasin Hayder shares a method for "hacking" the Slideshare.net service to be able to download whatever slideshow you'd like:

I just spent some time today analyzing the HTTP requests made by the player available in slideshare using LiveHTTPHeader extension and found a way to download any presentation you want! There are many slides available in slideshare where you see that "Download not available" - But as long you have some knowledge on web-scrapping, that doesn’t matter at all.

He includes the code that you can point at a slideshow's URL and let run. It works through each of the pages of the presentation and pulls out the URL of it and echoes it back out.

tagged: slideshare download slide presentation


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