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Matthew Weier O'Phinney's Blog:
Zend Framework/Dojo Integration QA Slides
May 28, 2008 @ 15:29:08

If you weren't able to make it to yesterday's webinar from Zend and the Dojo group about their partnership, Matthew Weier O'Phinney is ready to hook you up with all of the details they presented.

We had our Zend Framework/Dojo integration QA today. Aside from some connectivity issues at the beginning of the presentation, things went smoothly, and there were some good questions.

He's made the slides both available for download directly and as a slideshow on Slideshare. He doesn't mention when the recording of the webinar will be out, but it shouldn't be too far off.

tagged: zendframework dojo integration slides webinar slideshare


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