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PHP 101 (part 14): Going To The Polls
Aug 01, 2006 @ 10:53:25

WeberDev.com has posted part 14 in their (never ending) "PHP 101" series today. This part talks about poll creation - display, voting, administration, and tracking.

Over the final two chapters of this tutorial, I'm going to guide you through the process of creating two real-world PHP applications. Not only will this introduce you to practical application development with PHP, but it will also give you an opportunity to try out all the theory you've imbibed over the past weeks.

The first application is fairly simple. It's a polling system for a web site, one which allows you to quickly measure what your visitors think about controversial issues.

They start with setting up the database to hold the votes - two simple tables, questions and answers. Then, it's on to the code - first displaying the form the users will vote with, then handling their response. Of course, what would a good application be without some kind of administrative utility to help manage and view the results - so they build one. It helps add/remove questions and check out the results of the polls.

tagged: tutorial part14 poll database admin utility simple tutorial part14 poll database admin utility simple


PHP 101 (part 14): Going To The Polls
Aug 01, 2006 @ 10:53:25

WeberDev.com has posted part 14 in their (never ending) "PHP 101" series today. This part talks about poll creation - display, voting, administration, and tracking.

Over the final two chapters of this tutorial, I'm going to guide you through the process of creating two real-world PHP applications. Not only will this introduce you to practical application development with PHP, but it will also give you an opportunity to try out all the theory you've imbibed over the past weeks.

The first application is fairly simple. It's a polling system for a web site, one which allows you to quickly measure what your visitors think about controversial issues.

They start with setting up the database to hold the votes - two simple tables, questions and answers. Then, it's on to the code - first displaying the form the users will vote with, then handling their response. Of course, what would a good application be without some kind of administrative utility to help manage and view the results - so they build one. It helps add/remove questions and check out the results of the polls.

tagged: tutorial part14 poll database admin utility simple tutorial part14 poll database admin utility simple


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