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Loïc Faugeron:
Mars Rover, Locating refactoring
Sep 28, 2016 @ 15:57:31

Loïc Faugeron has continued his "Mars Rover" series with this latest article posted to his site. In this most recent tutorial he takes some time to refactor some of the current "locating" code and make it fully functional.

In this series we're building the software of a Mars Rover, according to the following specifications. It allows us to practice the followings: Monolithic Repositories (MonoRepo), Command / Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), Event Sourcing (ES) and Test Driven Development (TDD).

We've already developed the first use case about landing the rover on mars, and the second one about driving it. We're now developing the last one, requesting its location: Mars rover will be requested to give its current location (x and y coordinates and the orientation). In this article we're going to create the locating logic.

He starts with the phpspec tests for the Location handling and edits the generated test to integrate the "coordinates" and "orientation" checks. When this test runs phpspec generates the "Location" class with basic logic. This is updated as well with real functionality and the "LandRover" class is then refactored to make use of all of this new functionality. The final code for the "LandRover" class is also included for reference, post-refactor.

tagged: mars rover tutorial series locating coordinates orientation phpspec

Link: https://gnugat.github.io/2016/09/28/mars-rover-locating-refactoring.html

Loïc Faugeron:
Mars Rover, Landing event
Jul 20, 2016 @ 14:33:05

Loïc Faugeron has posted the latest tutorial in his series about developing a "Mars Rover" script using various design patterns and principles. In this latest part of the series he looks at handling the "landing event" of the rover.

In this series we're going to build the software of a Mars Rover, according to the following specifications. [...] Previously we've created a navigation package, and in it a LandRover class that validates input parameters for our first use case. [...] We've then refactored it to extract coordinates and orientation in their own classes.

In this article we're going to create the actual landing logic, using Event Sourcing

He then starts in, creating the tests first because of TDD, on the LandRoverHandler to integrate a command architecture (using the Command Bus pattern). He then sets up the structure for the event sourcing and an basic event for the landing of the rover. This includes the handler for the event, the event itself and the storage method for capturing that the event happened. He fills in the generated classes with a bit of logic and a few updates to the test for the new structure.

tagged: mars rover tutorial series landing event sourcing orientation phpspec

Link: https://gnugat.github.io/2016/07/20/mars-rover-landing-event.html

Loïc Faugeron:
Mars Rover, Landing orientation
Jul 13, 2016 @ 15:40:41

Loïc Faugeron is back again with the next part of his "Mars Rover" series of tutorials. In this new article he refactors the current code even more to make it more flexible in the long run.

In this series we're going to build the software of a Mars Rover, according to the following specifications. It will allow us to practice the followings: Monolithic Repositories (MonoRepo), Command / Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), Event Sourcing (ES) and Test Driven Development (TDD). Previously we've created a navigation package, and in it a LandRover class that validates input parameters for our first use case.

We've also started to refactor it by extracting coordinates in their own class. In this article we're going to further refactor LandRover

He found that the coordinates could become floats (or have additional values) and that the orientation could become an angular degree/be vertical. To help this situation, he pulls this logic out into an Orientation class. True to the TDD methods, he starts with the phpspec test and generates the skeleton class based on them. He makes some simple edits to make the tests pass and updates the main LandRover class to use the new Orientation class for these positions.

tagged: mars rover tutorial series landing orientation phpspec

Link: https://gnugat.github.io/2016/07/13/mars-rover-landing-orientation.html

Loïc Faugeron:
Mars Rover, Landing coordinates
Jul 07, 2016 @ 16:47:20

Loïc Faugeron has continued his "Mars Rover" series of posts with this latest tutorial covering the functionality for the landing coordinates.

In this series we're going to build the software of a Mars Rover, according to the following specifications. It will allow us to practice the followings: Monolithic Repositories (MonoRepo), Command / Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), Event Sourcing (ES) and Test Driven Development (TDD).

Previously we've created a navigation package, and in it a LandRover class that validates input parameters for our first use case. [...] In this article we're going to refactor LandRover.

He starts off with the justification of why the LandRover class needs to change and what kinds of new classes need to be made. He starts with the phpspec tests and builds out the Coordinates and Orientation classes (with some basic functionality) to make the movement and direction of the rover more flexible and the meet the test requirements.

tagged: mars rover tutorial series landing coordinates orientation phpspec

Link: https://gnugat.github.io/2016/07/06/mars-rover-landing-coordinates.html

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