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Laravel News:
Two Best Laravel Packages to Manage Roles/Permissions
Jul 21, 2017 @ 14:48:46

The Laravel News site has posted an in-depth look at two packages Laravel users can implement to add in role/permission management: Bouncer and Laravel-permission.

Roles and permissions are an important part of many web applications. Laravel historically had a lot of packages for them, and improved the core code as well. So what is the situation on this market today? What packages are the best to use? I’ve picked two.

The post starts off by sharing a few reasons why you might even need these packages with the functionality that Laravel already includes. Most of the reasoning comes from the fact that the framework allows for checks but doesn't provide role/permission management. It then gets into what each of the package provide, how to install them and some example code to put them to use. It also looks at the database structure behind them and how they use that to store the authorization data.

tagged: laravel role permission package bouncer laravelpermission introduction tutorial

Link: https://laravel-news.com/two-best-roles-permissions-packages

Easy roles and permissions in Laravel 5.4
May 03, 2017 @ 17:06:41

On the QCode.in site Saqueib Ansari has written up a tutorial showing how to use a package in Laravel applications to manage roles and permissions easily. This package, spatie/laravel-permission, compliments the current Laravel roles/permissions handling with a few handy features that make management and evaluation simpler.

Although laravel comes with Policies to handle the authorization but I wanted to have an option to just create permissions in the database which we can manage by a UI in the admin panel, pretty standard. we can implement our own role and permission from scratch but I am going to use [spatie/laravel-permission](https://github.com/spatie/laravel-permission) package for this. This package was inspired by Jeffrey ways screencast and it’s very well maintained and very easy to use. It has everything we need and plays very well with Laravel Gate and Policies implementations.

He walks through the creation of a new Laravel application, running the auth:make to generate the authentication functionality and adding the spatie/laravel-permission package to the service provider. He creates several models for permissions and roles and updates the User model with a new trait. Once the migrations are run, he creates a default permission set. Then it's on to the code for the endpoints to work with roles (including syncing them with permissions). He then moves over to the views, showing how to use the can helper to determine if a user has access, creating an Authorizable trait and an AuthorizationException handler. Finally the tutorial wraps up with the roles and permissions management functionality complete with code and screenshots of the result.

tagged: laravel roles permissions tutorial package laravelpermission spatie management

Link: http://www.qcode.in/easy-roles-and-permissions-in-laravel-5-4

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