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Chris Hartjes' Blog:
Building a Gimmebar Sidebar
Nov 10, 2011 @ 18:54:55

Following along the lines of this post from Ed Finkler about working with the Gimme Bar API, Chris Hartjes has chimed in with his own post about creating his sidebar based on the same source.

Funkatron was kind enough to put together a blog post about building a Tumblelog with Gimme Bar and PHP so I told him I would write up what I did on my own blog. One of my intents was to use the Gimme Bar API to pull in a list of my latest Gimmies for the sidebar on this blog. Ed had posted a very simple example in Javascript (I cannot remember where it is) so I took it and ran with it to modify it to work with the blogging software used here.

He includes the simple javascript, about 15 lines of it, that pulls the latest "gimmies" from his own feed and posting them as sidebar items (as you can see right next to the code snippet).It uses a combination of Ender.js, Reqwest, Underscore and regular javascript to get the job done.

tagged: gimmiebar sidebar blog javascript api tutorial


Ed Finkler's Blog:
Building a Tumblelog with Gimme Bar and PHP
Nov 07, 2011 @ 16:47:50

Ed Finkler has a new post today showing how he's created a tumbleblog using the Gimmie Bar API and backend as a source for the posts. For the curious, the code for his simple blog can be found here.

One of the coolest things about working on Gimme Bar has been the opportunity to build a platform. While most folks interact with our service via the web site, the site is just one application built on top of the Gimme Bar content collection and curation system. Our web site interacts with the system via our HTTP API, which is open to everyone, not just our internal team. That means that anyone can build applications on top of our platform to suit their own needs or interests.

This simple blog (demo here grabs items from his Gimmie Bar feed and posts them. He includes complete installation instructions and a brief overview of how the parts work together.

tagged: tumbleblog blog gimmiebar api tutorial example content collection


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