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Building Your PHP Geek Cred To Publicly Be An Awesome PHP Developer
Jan 06, 2012 @ 14:50:12

On the 7php.com blog Khayrattee Wasseem has a few suggestions about how to "build your geek cred" as a PHP developer - suggestions of resources and things you can do to get more involved in the language and its community.

If you’ve read the PHP|Architect Magazine - March 2011 Edition, you have surely enjoyed the nice article by Jason Austin (a PHP developer from Raleigh, NC) titled "Good PHP help is hard to find". Jason talks about 'the why' and 'the how' to distinguish yourself as a qualified PHP Professional from the crowd. And the way to do that is: "You have to build your geek cred". I think he did a brilliant job with the article.

Some of Khayrattee's suggestions include (each rated with a number of "cred points"):

  • Get certified with recognised certifications like the Zend Certified Engineer program
  • Start a PHP meetup group near you
  • Sign up to attend PHP conferences around the world
  • Blog about PHP { have a blog dedicated to it }
tagged: cred geek developer suggestion opinion


Harrie Verveer's Blog:
The PHP community: not just about tree hugging geeks
Oct 28, 2010 @ 13:42:57

Harrie Verveer has a new post to his blog today talking about how the PHP community is "not just about tree hugging geeks" and good things about the community that is has to offer companies and developers alike.

every once in a while I hear some plea for the great PHP community that makes me a bit nauseous. "Sharing code, knowledge, elePHPants, it's all so fun to share and be part of this great club of lovely people! I share my project with you and you share your project with me. And then we hug! Weeeee!!!" Well f*ck that. [...] So besides the hippy arguments, the PHP community also has some great, more down-to-earth things to offer for companies, developers and everybody else involved.

He's made a list of four things (of the many) that the PHP community offers like being able to contribute to open source projects, being able to open source your own projects, attending the many conferences and user groups to "learn and be inspired" by others and, of course, the great online community in the form of tutorial, IRC channels, mailing lists, etc.

tagged: geek opinion community resource usergroup opensource conference


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