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SitePoint PHP Blog:
Easy Continuous Delivery with ContinuousPHP and Zend Server
Dec 10, 2015 @ 18:54:32

The SitePoint PHP blog has posted a tutorial from author Daniel Berman showing you how to combine the ContinuousPHP service with Zend Server to create a continuous deployment system for your PHP applications.

The continuous delivery approach aims at making the process of continuously deploying code to production error-free, or at least less error-prone, using automated tasks, tests, builds and deployments. Minimize risk and downtime, maximize quality and value. That’s the motto.

However, this process is not always straightforward, to say the least. Often enough, the continuous delivery tools chosen for implementing continuous integration and deployment are hard to figure out and use, and are usually time consuming and expensive. The bigger the application, the bigger the challenge. This article introduces an interesting new approach to dealing with this challenge by demonstrating a continuous delivery process using continuousphp and Zend Server.

They briefly walk you through some of the prerequisites including an installation of Zend Server already set up and waiting. He also provides a skeleton application you can use if you just want to test it out first. From there he goes through the steps in the process:

  • Setting up your repository (on ContinuousPHP)
  • Creating a new deployment pipeline
  • Configuring build and test settings
  • Packaging and deploying your app

All along the way he's included screenshots of the ContinuousPHP interface so you can be sure you're still on the right track. He ends the post with a few extra "goodies" linking directly to the ContinuousPHP and Zend server documentation among other useful links.

tagged: zendserver tutorial continuousphp service setup configure continuous deployment

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/easy-continuous-delivery-with-continuousphp-and-zend-server/

Thijs Feryn:
In interview in the Nevada desert with ContinuousPHP: tech & community in Luxembourg
Nov 25, 2015 @ 16:47:16

In his latest video interview Thijs Feryn talks caught up with the ContinuousPHP team out in the Nevada desert while at this year's ZendCon.

I did a fair number of interviews while I was at Zendcon in Las Vegas. The entertainment capital of the world is located in the desert. So it seemed fun to do this interview in the desert.

ContinuousPHPThis week’s episode features Frédéric Dewinne and Oswald De Riemaecker from ContinuousPHP. We talk about how they met and how they almost instantly founded the company. ContinuousPHP is a Platform As A Service that focuses on continuous delivery and continuous deployment in the PHP space.

They talk about ContinuousPHP, how it started out and where some of the funding came from initially. They also talk about life as a startup and growing a community around the service and the PHP community there in Luxembourg. You can check out this latest episode either through the in-page video player, directly on YouTube or, for the audio-only version, over on Soundcloud.

tagged: thijsferyn interview video continuousphp luxembourg zendcon15

Link: http://blog.feryn.eu/2015/11/23/in-interview-in-the-nevada-desert-with-continuousphp-tech-community-in-luxembourg/

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