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David Coallier's Blog:
PHP Quebec Hindering the PHP Project development?
Mar 17, 2008 @ 16:15:13

On a bit more controversial note, David Coallier has posted about a rather unpleasant experience he had at this year's PHP Quebec conference - in his own words:

As many of you know, this time of the year is usually the PHP Quebec conference and many php internals and international speakers fly to Montreal to speak. [...] This morning (2008/13/03) I saw Lukas on IRC and we said "Hey let's meet around 1pm to discuss about the PHP TestFest"

He met Lukas at the hotel, in the lounge of the hotel, not attending any of the talks. As he sits there talking to the others, a PHP Quebec staff member walks out and hands him a bill (for around 450 CAD) for attending the conference. After a little checking - both with fellow user group members and with the hotel staff as to the validity of this behavior, he could only assume that it was some "money driven" attempt on the PHP Quebec conference's side to get what they could.

Be sure to check out the comments for some other views from the community.

tagged: development phpquebec2008 project charge error


Ben Ramsey's Blog:
Acceptable Rates for PHP Programmers?
Jun 21, 2006 @ 10:55:55

Ben Ramsey asks a question today that PHP developers all around the world ask themselves at one time or another - "what are acceptible rates for PHP developers?"

This topic came up after an Atlanta PHP meeting a few months ago, and I've been asked the same question several times since then. So, what exactly is an acceptable rate for a PHP programmer?

To one person, I answered within the scope of the Java world (since this person has more familiarity with Java programmers). I recommended that PHP programmers receive pay comparable to Java programmers. To another person, I recommended that, as a freelancer, he not accept a job for any less than a specific rate comparable to that of Java programmers.

He talks about the differences in the job market between Java and PHP, mainly due to the low entry level requirements that PHP has. Usually, someone charging a "bargain basement" kind of price for an application is usually the one with less experience.

I want to see PHP programmers paid well for the work they do. Let's face it: anyone can call themselves a PHP programmer, but not everyone programs in PHP well. You should be paid a competitive rate for your skills as an excellent PHP programmer.
tagged: rates charge programmers experience bargain rates charge programmers experience bargain


Ben Ramsey's Blog:
Acceptable Rates for PHP Programmers?
Jun 21, 2006 @ 10:55:55

Ben Ramsey asks a question today that PHP developers all around the world ask themselves at one time or another - "what are acceptible rates for PHP developers?"

This topic came up after an Atlanta PHP meeting a few months ago, and I've been asked the same question several times since then. So, what exactly is an acceptable rate for a PHP programmer?

To one person, I answered within the scope of the Java world (since this person has more familiarity with Java programmers). I recommended that PHP programmers receive pay comparable to Java programmers. To another person, I recommended that, as a freelancer, he not accept a job for any less than a specific rate comparable to that of Java programmers.

He talks about the differences in the job market between Java and PHP, mainly due to the low entry level requirements that PHP has. Usually, someone charging a "bargain basement" kind of price for an application is usually the one with less experience.

I want to see PHP programmers paid well for the work they do. Let's face it: anyone can call themselves a PHP programmer, but not everyone programs in PHP well. You should be paid a competitive rate for your skills as an excellent PHP programmer.
tagged: rates charge programmers experience bargain rates charge programmers experience bargain


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