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Zend Developer Zone:
Blueprint for PHP Applications - Bootstrapping (Part 2)
Apr 05, 2006 @ 12:40:52

The Jayson Minard continues his "Blueprint for PHP Applications" series on the Zend Developer Zend today in part two, a look at creating and setting up the "bootstrapper" file mentioned previously.

In Part 1 of this article I talked a lot about funneling. Sending every request to one PHP file that then controls the flow of the request into our application code. This one PHP file is called the "Bootstrapper" and deals with everything in common for every request our application receives. The bootstrapper can setup, configure and gift wrap everything that all pages have in common. It can make sure the include path is setup correctly, that the environment is configured correctly, all PHP settings are set, that common model objects are loaded, and that the front controller is invoked to begin your MVC processing.

If you setup the bootstrapper correctly your application code will be more manageable and consistent, along with being easier to write in the first place.

They focus on teh directory structure in this part, demonstrating the correct structure, how to set the .htaccess to coordinate with it, and the creation of a simple PHP file to handle all incoming requests.

tagged: zend framework bootstrapping part two directory structure zend framework bootstrapping part two directory structure


Zend Developer Zone:
Blueprint for PHP Applications - Bootstrapping (Part 2)
Apr 05, 2006 @ 12:40:52

The Jayson Minard continues his "Blueprint for PHP Applications" series on the Zend Developer Zend today in part two, a look at creating and setting up the "bootstrapper" file mentioned previously.

In Part 1 of this article I talked a lot about funneling. Sending every request to one PHP file that then controls the flow of the request into our application code. This one PHP file is called the "Bootstrapper" and deals with everything in common for every request our application receives. The bootstrapper can setup, configure and gift wrap everything that all pages have in common. It can make sure the include path is setup correctly, that the environment is configured correctly, all PHP settings are set, that common model objects are loaded, and that the front controller is invoked to begin your MVC processing.

If you setup the bootstrapper correctly your application code will be more manageable and consistent, along with being easier to write in the first place.

They focus on teh directory structure in this part, demonstrating the correct structure, how to set the .htaccess to coordinate with it, and the creation of a simple PHP file to handle all incoming requests.

tagged: zend framework bootstrapping part two directory structure zend framework bootstrapping part two directory structure


Zend Developer Zone:
Blueprint for PHP Applications - Bootstrapping (Part 1)
Mar 31, 2006 @ 13:23:08

From the Zend Developer Zone today, there's the continuation of their "Blueprint for PHP Applications" series, this time focusing on bootstrapping (part 1).

The definition (of bootstrapping) from Wikipedia has more flair to it than I can probably give this article, but nonetheless bootstrapping is an incredibly important part of a PHP web application. It is the ignition, the launch-pad, the booster rockets, and even the safety gear for our trip through PHP Best Practices. Without a well designed bootstrap, our application will never get off the ground.

The general idea behind the bootstrapping is forcing all of the requests to a domain to be funneled through a central script and branching out from there. They talk about how to use Rewrite rules to accomplish this and how to set the setup. He finishes the post off by bringing it back to the layout of the application, pointing out where it fits in.

tagged: blueprint application bootstrapping part one blueprint application bootstrapping part one


Zend Developer Zone:
Blueprint for PHP Applications - Bootstrapping (Part 1)
Mar 31, 2006 @ 13:23:08

From the Zend Developer Zone today, there's the continuation of their "Blueprint for PHP Applications" series, this time focusing on bootstrapping (part 1).

The definition (of bootstrapping) from Wikipedia has more flair to it than I can probably give this article, but nonetheless bootstrapping is an incredibly important part of a PHP web application. It is the ignition, the launch-pad, the booster rockets, and even the safety gear for our trip through PHP Best Practices. Without a well designed bootstrap, our application will never get off the ground.

The general idea behind the bootstrapping is forcing all of the requests to a domain to be funneled through a central script and branching out from there. They talk about how to use Rewrite rules to accomplish this and how to set the setup. He finishes the post off by bringing it back to the layout of the application, pointing out where it fits in.

tagged: blueprint application bootstrapping part one blueprint application bootstrapping part one


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