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Working with Prepared Queries with PDO Objects in PHP 5
Jun 11, 2007 @ 18:21:00

DevShed concludes their series looking at the use of PDO objects in PHP5 with this last tutorial focusing on the use of prepared queries in your PHP application.

In this last tutorial in the series I'm going to show you how to run prepared queries, but in this case we're going to include named parameters into them. Additionally, I'm going to take a quick look at some additional methods bundled with this extension. These new methods can be really useful for working with transactions, in case you want to use this feature with the database system of your choice.

They start with a simple approach to using prepared queries before moving on to an alternate method - binding parameters to the query via bindParam. They wrap up the article with a look at using transactions, both commits and rollbacks.

tagged: prepared query php5 tutorial pdo object prepared query php5 tutorial pdo object


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