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Building Interpreter Classes with PHP 5
Apr 03, 2007 @ 15:32:00

DevShed is starting off another design pattern series with part one of their look at the interpreter pattern - commonly used along with the Composite pattern to create more modular applications.

In this series, which is comprised of three articles, I'll provide you with numerous code samples showing how to implement this useful pattern, ranging from building a simple application for managing user information to creating a decent blogger.

As mentioned, their goal is to create a simple blogging application (eventually), but for now they just need to lay the foundation. They start with an introduction to the pattern via the creation of the User and UserServer classes. Next up is the creation of the UserInterpreter class to handle the requests and pass them along to the UserSaver. Finally, they show it in use, saving inputted user information into an array.

tagged: designpattern interpreter class php5 tutorial basics designpattern interpreter class php5 tutorial basics


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