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Symfony Blog:
Symfony control panel released
Jan 10, 2007 @ 14:47:00

According to the new post on the Symfony blog, they re-released something Symfony users have been asking for ever since it went away - the Symfony control panel.

We recently removed the control panel script from the trunk. [...] This script is now back as a plugin, and called sfControlPanelPlugin. It's been improved a bit, and now contains a better code browser, a better task executer, a new configuration explorer, and a data explorer that allows browsing data contained in the project's database. We also harmonized its look and feel with the symfony default pages. Check it out and try it, you might never use the CLI again...

Check out the screenshot to see what it's like or, as they recommend, just check it out for yourself in the latest version from the trunk.

tagged: symfony project control panel release screenshot symfony project control panel release screenshot


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