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Jonathan Snook's Blog:
CakePHP, is it worth it?
Jul 17, 2006 @ 11:07:10

After embarking on his "Framework Quest" with the CakePHP framework, Jonathan Snook has finally come to some kind of conclusion and answers the question - "CakePHP, is it worth it?"

After a few weeks of getting into the down and dirty of CakePHP, the question is, "Is it worth using?"

The answer to that question is, "it depends".

To justify such a vauge answer, he points out some of his discoveries - like its simple model-based approach that works for most projects. He doesn't really compare it to other frameworks, making it a personal choice for the readers. One good thing that has come out of his involvement with the Framework is that, because of previous comments concerning it, Jonathan has joined the CakePHP documentation team and has started another more CakePHP-centric blog.

tagged: cakephp framework worth simple model compare documentation cakephp framework worth simple model compare documentation


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