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Loading XML Strings with simpleXML in PHP 5
Jun 19, 2006 @ 12:21:05

DevShed continues their "Using SimpleXML in PHP5" series today with a bit more complex look (part two) at loading in preexisting XML strings to be manipulated.

Are you looking forward to learning about loading XML data strings, as well as searching and accessing nodes? Then this is the tutorial you've been waiting for since last week! Welcome to the second part of the series "Working with simpleXML in PHP 5." This three-part series introduces the most important features of the "simpleXML" extension that comes with PHP 5, and shows by several hands-on examples how to implement the handy set of XML-parsing functions that are included in this library.

They start by demonstrating the simplexml_load_string functionality to simply grab the data and follow it with a method to pull out just the data you need from the resulting object. Finally, they help you construct an XMLParser class to show a more object-oriented approach to performing the same tasks.

tagged: simplexml tutorial simplexml_load_string object reference simplexml tutorial simplexml_load_string object reference


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