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Member Managment System Using PHP, AJAX and script.aculo.us (Part 2)
May 15, 2006 @ 11:15:18

On SomeCoders.com today, they've posted part two in their "Member Managment System Using PHP, AJAX, and script.aculo.us" article series. In this new episode, they continue on from part one and use the handler script and login page from it to work up the new pieces of the puzzle.

In part 2, we're going to create the user's main page, the private messaging system, and the settings manager, where uses can change there name, E-mail, and password.

Just like last time, they give you all the code you'll need and explain how it works following each step. Again, the code is largely procedural, but it does what it needs to do and is accessible to even those that haven't gotten to work with objects in PHP yet.

tagged: ajax member management part2 script.aculou.us system ajax member management part2 script.aculou.us system


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