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How to create a PSR-4 PHP package
Sep 09, 2015 @ 15:55:01

In a tutorial posted to the Cullit.com site Philip Brown shows you how to create a PSR-4 compliant package that can be installed quickly and easily through Composer. The PSR-4 standard is a part of the set of standards defined by the PHP Framework Interoperability Group (PHP-FIG) to help make it easier to work with libraries and tools across frameworks and platforms. The PSR-4 standard replaces the slightly more complex PSR-0 to define a pattern for autoloading files.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a tutorial on the general principles behind building PHP packages. In that article I mentioned the PSR-4 standard for creating PHP packages. In this tutorial I’m going to walk you through setting up the structure of a PHP package. By having an agreed upon structure for PHP packages we make our code a lot more interchangeable and reusable for the greater Open Source community.

He starts with the basics, creating a simple "nacho" directory in a git repository and introducing Composer (and the composer.json) briefly. He also talks about the "dotfiles" that are included with the use of Composer including a sample Travis-CI configuration. He then gets into the code and shows how to use namespaces, relate them to the directory names for autoloading and even writing a simple test or two. From there he talks about documentation and, finally, pushing the package up to GitHub and adding it to Packagist for others to download.

tagged: psr4 package composer packagist autoload tutorial beginner

Link: http://culttt.com/2014/05/07/create-psr-4-php-package/

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