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Alejandro Celaya:
Composer advanced concepts
Apr 28, 2015 @ 16:42:34

Alejandro Celaya has shared some advanced concepts when using Composer that you may or may not know this popular tool could do.

Composer is The Tool in any modern PHP project. Nowadays I can't imagine to work without it. It is much more powerful than some people think, easily solving the integration of third party components in our projects, but there are some advanced features that are less known. I'm going to try to explain some of the best practices and mechanisms bundled with composer.

His list of more advanced techniques and concepts includes:

  • Globally installing composer
  • Create the composer.json file (with composer init)
  • Production environments (and flags to customize the installation)
  • Executing CLI scripts

There's several more items in his list and each includes a description of the feature/practice and commands or code where appropriate.

tagged: composer advanced concept practice install configure tutorial

Link: http://blog.alejandrocelaya.com/2015/04/25/composer-advanced-concepts/

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