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How to Write Code That Embraces Change
Feb 04, 2013 @ 19:18:58

On NetTuts.com today there's a great new article about how to write code that embraces change and can be easily updated and reconfigured due to a decoupled nature and use of good OOP concepts.

Writing code, which is easy to change is the Holy Grail of programming. Welcome to programming nirvana! But things are much more difficult in reality: source code is difficult to understand, dependencies point in countless directions, coupling is annoying, and you soon feel the heat of programming hell. In this tutorial, we will discuss a few principles, techniques and ideas that will help you write code that is easy to change.

He covers some of the good OOP principles to think about when developing - like cohesion, orthogonality and coupling (via class methods, polymorphism, dependency injection or interfaces). He spends some time looking at the SOLID development principles and how you can implement each of them in some sample code. He also talks some about high level design and how the separation of concerns can help make your code easier to maintain and change.

tagged: tutorial code change oop decouple dependency solid principles


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