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Michael Nitschinger's Blog:
Introducing Relationships in Lithium
Mar 05, 2012 @ 17:21:39

In this new post to his blog Michael Nitschinger introduces relationships in using the Lithium framework - functionality to link your models to each other to create dependencies.

The model relationship support in Lithium is one of the hottest topics on IRC lately, so I thought it would be a good idea to blog about it. Currently, Lithium supports 1:1 and 1:n relationships for relational databases. [...] This post gives you a little background on relationship types and their database representations before we implement a simple example in PHP.

He gives some code (and schema) examples of creating these relationships between tables for the two types - one to one and one to many. He also touches on the zero-to-zero relationships as well, nothing that they can be some of the most tricky to work with. He includes the SQL and the code you'll need to produce a blog example with models for Authors, Posts and Groups. Using the belongsTo/hasMany/hasOne variables he defines the relationships and uses the "with" keyword in the find calls to pull in those relations.

tagged: relationship lithium framework model database introduction


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