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Multilanguage support in Zend Framework
Sep 06, 2011 @ 17:27:40

In a new post over on CodeForest.net there's a guide from Zvonko Biskup about using the multi-language support in the Zend Framework, specifically implementing gettext support.

We can not imagine a modern web application without a multi language support. I will show you how easy it is to setup usage of multiple languages in Zend Framework and how to setup some basic language routes (handy for SEO stuff). The Zend Framework offers many ways for you to store your translated strings. It could be an array, a CSV or XML file or you could use gettext which we will be using today.

He introduces the topic by answering the question "why gettext?" with two reasons - the simplicity of editing the gettext files and the fact that Apache caches the resulting ".mo" files. He includes the code to set up a Zend_Translate object in your bootstrap and calling the "translate()" method in your views to handle the hard work. He briefly touches on using PoEdit to work with the gettext files and how to drop those into your ZF application's structure to make them available. Finally, he sets up some automatic routing you can easily use to switch languages based on something like a cookie or session value.

tagged: multilanguage zendframework gettext poedit tutorial


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