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Introducing the Yii PHP Framework
Apr 27, 2011 @ 16:03:43

In another in his framework series, Jason Gilmore has a new post on PHPBuilder.com about another popular framework - the Yii framework. He introduces you to the framework and shows the creation of a sample, basic site.

Frameworks have been the topic du jour here at PHPBuilder.com, with numerous recent articles covering DooPHP and Fat-free. In this latest stop on the framework tour, we'll check out Yii, a relatively new framework (less than three years old) that boasts an impressive array of features and an equally impressive array of users, among them the enormously popular Stay.com.

He walks you through the install (downloading the latest version) and shows how to use the command-line tool to automatically generate the basic website structure. He continues on showing how to update the main page and template, how to get it connected to a MySQL database and how to use the Gii tool to create basic admin forms for working with the tables.

tagged: yii framework tutorial introduction sample website admin mysql


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