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Test.ical.ly Blog:
Wrapping symfonys functional tests in a PHPUnit test case
Jul 08, 2010 @ 18:58:50

In a new post to the test.ical.ly blog Christian looks at how to wrap Symfony functional tests inside of a PHPUnit test case to unify them with your already-existing unit tests.

Yesterday I wrote a lot of functional tests for a symfony plugin that provides and XML web service interface. Using symfonys functional testing classes this is actually quite easy to do. But wouldn’t it be cool if you could integrate these tests into your continuous integration service just like PHPUnit tests? Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to generate PHPUnit coverage reports?

He created a simple PHPUnit test whose job it is to run all of the Lime tests (with a standard naming convention) and pull the results back into the test to be evaluated. An assertEquals checks the result to be sure the string "ok" is returned as the first thing on the line. If any of the functional tests fail, the whole test case will fail. It could be modified a bit to record which case it was that actually failed and report that back in the failure information.

tagged: functional test symfony phpunit testcase tutorial


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