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CodeIgniter from Scratch: Shopping Cart
Mar 26, 2010 @ 13:08:15

On NETTUTS.com there's a new tutorial looking at the CodeIgniter framework and using the shopping cart class that it comes bundled with to create a simple cart system based on this library.

Today, we are going to take a look at the Shopping Cart library for CodeIgniter. This useful class allows us to add and remove items to a shopping cart, update them, and calculate prices. I will demonstrate how you can build a simple shopping cart system with the help of this library.

This is the latest in their "CodeIgniter from Scratch" series so, if you're not overly familiar with the framework, you might need to go back and start from the beginning and work your way up. The screencast steps you through the shopping cart creation and an image of the end result is also included. You can also download the source to make it easier to follow along.

tagged: codeigniter tutorial shoppingcart library


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