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Logging in Users using Doctrine and Zend_Auth
Jan 27, 2010 @ 15:38:52

The next ZendCast in the user authentication with the Zend Framework's Zend_Auth has been posted to the ZendCasts.com site today. In this new screencast, they look at how to integrate it with Doctrine to automatically validate users against the information in your databases (following up on this first part of the series).

Here’s the second part of my Doctrine / Zend_Auth example. In 15 minutes, we create a logout, login and protected area that’s reliant on the ZC_Auth_Adapter adapter we created in last week’s video. Notice how there's no code in the IndexController exposing the authentication implementation,

You can grab the code to follow along or build it as he goes. You'll need a copy of Doctrine up and working to keep up, though.

tagged: zendframework zendauth tutorial screencast doctrine


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