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Zend Framework 101: Zend_Log
Apr 13, 2009 @ 13:46:13

Next up in the phpRiot "Zend Framework 101" series is this new look at the logging component of the Zend Framework - Zend_Log.

This article shows you how to use Zend_Log, the logging component of the Zend Framework. It allows you to record messages from your application however you please. In this article I will show you how to record messages to a log file. Additionally, if you use the Firebug and FirePHP plug-ins for Firefox, Zend_Log can be extremely useful for application development and debugging. I will also show you how to achieve this.

They walk you through the creation of a simple logger and putting it to use by recording just the events you want (via error levels). There's also an extra section on integrating it with the Firebug/FirePHP extensions for Firefox and push your messages directly to the browser.

tagged: zendframework zendlog tutorial introduction logger firebug firephp writer


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