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PHP and Adobe Air: Building a Time-tracking and Billing Application - Part II
Apr 07, 2009 @ 12:54:44

PHPBuilder.com has posted the second part of their series on creating a sample application - a time tracking app - with PHP and Adobe Air.

Welcome back. In part 1 of this series, you created some PHP remote services and the Clocked! widget application. Part 2 covers PHP administration and completion of the timer widget.

They're developing a Flex-based application (rather than the HTML/Javascript combo that can also be used with Air) so they'll be doing their work in Flex Builder. They set up a few placeholder functions like getClients, getProjects and getProjectsResult as well as support for the ticket and timer objects. Add in a few interface items like dropdowns for client and project selection and a start/stop button and you have the basic app laid out. The PHP interface to all of this Flex code comes in the next article of the series.

tagged: time track air adobe tutorial series billing application flex builder


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