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Make Me Pulse:
Using Memcached with PHP Zend Framework
Jan 13, 2009 @ 14:48:44

New from the Make Me Pulse blog Ludovic has this look at using a memcached backend with a Zend Framework application.

Any self-respecting developer know the interest of caching for server language like PHP. A web site with lot of server requests need this kind of solution. The Memcaching use a software intalled on the server (download page) which will push all cached data in the RAM’s server. It has a big advantage compared to a caching file : the data access time.

An example is included showing how to set up the Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached object - including parameters and a lifetime - and how to push information into that cache for later use.

tagged: zendframework memcache zendcachebackendmemcached component tutorial


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