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More on Private Methods with PHP 5 Member Visibility
Jun 25, 2008 @ 18:58:20

DevShed finishes off their series looking a private, public and protected variables and methods in classes with this final look a private methods in PHP5 object-oriented programming.

It's time to leap forward and tackle this final article of the series, which will be focused on covering some additional aspects concerning the use of this kind of class method. In addition, I'll teach you how to utilize the "final" keyword, which is included with PHP 5, to prevent the methods of a specific class from being overridden by any subclass.

They work from a hands-on example to show how they can work with private methods (expanding a bit from last time) and how to use the "final" keyword to restrict any and all modification for a method.

tagged: php5 tutorial oop member visibility method property final private


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