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More Stupidly Easy MVC in PHP
Feb 07, 2006 @ 20:57:45

On CodeSnipers.com today, there's another look at a Model-View-controller frameowrk setup with their latest in the series - "More Stupidly Easy MVC in PHP".

If you've been living under a rock and missed the previous two articles about this EASY 3 class framework, go read Part1 and Part2.

After my initial project where I first created the simple framework I have since used it on 2 other projects. I didn't even use a template solution for one of them, making it even MORE simple. So I've had a chance to really collect my thoughts on this and put it through the ringer. I've had requests for more examples on using this and hopefully this will answer some of your questions.

This edition shows you how to create a controller to handle the saving, deleting, and intake of data from a user. There's code included, and explainations of each section, so just about any PHP user out there can grasp it and have it running in no time...

tagged: model view controller stupidly easy mvc model view controller stupidly easy mvc


More Stupidly Easy MVC in PHP
Feb 07, 2006 @ 20:57:45

On CodeSnipers.com today, there's another look at a Model-View-controller frameowrk setup with their latest in the series - "More Stupidly Easy MVC in PHP".

If you've been living under a rock and missed the previous two articles about this EASY 3 class framework, go read Part1 and Part2.

After my initial project where I first created the simple framework I have since used it on 2 other projects. I didn't even use a template solution for one of them, making it even MORE simple. So I've had a chance to really collect my thoughts on this and put it through the ringer. I've had requests for more examples on using this and hopefully this will answer some of your questions.

This edition shows you how to create a controller to handle the saving, deleting, and intake of data from a user. There's code included, and explainations of each section, so just about any PHP user out there can grasp it and have it running in no time...

tagged: model view controller stupidly easy mvc model view controller stupidly easy mvc


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