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Simon Holywell:
PHP date localisation with setlocale
Jul 21, 2015 @ 17:57:07

Simon Holywell as written up a tutorial for his site showing you how to use setlocale to do PHP date localization.

Localising sites can be a chore, but PHP has the venerable setlocale() to use system locales. These are like templates or profiles that describe how various types of data should be displayed. Should a price have a comma or point to indicate the decimals? When printing a date should PHP output Monday or Montag?

All of these considerations are locale specific and they map to a geographical area. Various cultures have their own standards for displaying this kind of information not to mention different languages to accommodate.

He shows how to find the locales your system supports and how to install them if the one(s) you need are missing. With it correctly installed, the system knows how to use it but PHP needs a little extra help. With a call to the setlocale method and the use of a special date string modifier (in this case "%B" for the month name) PHP knows to use the locale-aware version of the data...but only with strftime not the normal PHP date handling.

tagged: simonholywell setlocale locale localization strftime

Link: https://www.simonholywell.com/post/2015/07/php-date-setlocale-localisation/

Lorna Mitchell's Blog:
Locale-Sensitive Dates in PHP
Nov 05, 2008 @ 14:48:44

Lorna Mitchell shares a quick code snippet she's worked up to make handling local-sensitive dates in PHP a bit easier (via the strftime function).

I needed dates like "Donderdag 23 Oktober", and I was sure PHP should know how to do this without me creating arrays for days of the week and months of the year. With some help from my friend (thanks Derick) I discovered that there is a date function in PHP that takes into account the locale of the script, called strftime.

Her code snippet shows how to set the correct local time (in her case, nl_NL with a UTF-8 encoding) and how to return a formatted string based on formatting characters (much like printf/sprintf).

tagged: local sensitive date setlocalte strftime tutorial


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