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Laravel News:
The Artisan Files: Sara Bine
Dec 15, 2014 @ 17:43:56

The Laravel News site has posted their latest interview in their "Artisan Files" series with this look into the world of Sara Bine, a developer from Denver, Colorado.

In the interview she answers questions about:

  • Her background in development and how she got started
  • What some of her favorite open source packages are
  • Her "must have" desktop and mobile applications are
  • Hobbies outside of development
  • Tips for people looking to make a career out of programming

She advises developers to try one new thing every day and building projects around things that interest you. Also...

As far as career advice goes, while I’m not far into my own career I’ll pass on the best advice I’ve received so far: it’s not up to you to decide if you’re qualified for a job, so don’t be afraid to apply.

If you're interested in other interviews with members of the Laravel community, check out the rest of the Artisan Files too!

tagged: artisanfiles laravel news sarabine community interview

Link: https://laravel-news.com/2014/12/artisan-files-sara-bine/

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