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Norbet Mocsnik's Blog:
Setting Up DokuWiki with Simple Authentication
Dec 19, 2006 @ 15:02:00

Norbet Mocsnik, having just set it up himself, is sharing the steps needed to get DokuWiki set up and working with a simple authentication system.

I promised to investigate the steps needed to set up DokuWiki with the simplest authentication scheme for a friend and I thought others might benefit from it too, so here it is.

There's about fifteen steps in all, including the download/install of the package and creating the basic functionality (like a simple Auth schema - he gives an example). Create the superuser and set up the desired restrictions and you're home free. If you want more information on authentication in DokuWiki, check out this page on the DokuWiki's wiki.

tagged: dokuwiki simple authentication guide steps auth scheme restrictions dokuwiki simple authentication guide steps auth scheme restrictions


Norbet Mocsnik's Blog:
Setting Up DokuWiki with Simple Authentication
Dec 19, 2006 @ 15:02:00

Norbet Mocsnik, having just set it up himself, is sharing the steps needed to get DokuWiki set up and working with a simple authentication system.

I promised to investigate the steps needed to set up DokuWiki with the simplest authentication scheme for a friend and I thought others might benefit from it too, so here it is.

There's about fifteen steps in all, including the download/install of the package and creating the basic functionality (like a simple Auth schema - he gives an example). Create the superuser and set up the desired restrictions and you're home free. If you want more information on authentication in DokuWiki, check out this page on the DokuWiki's wiki.

tagged: dokuwiki simple authentication guide steps auth scheme restrictions dokuwiki simple authentication guide steps auth scheme restrictions


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