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Micah Carrick's Blog:
Customizing gedit as a Web Developer's IDE
Oct 31, 2007 @ 14:37:00

Vinu Thomas has linked to an article from Micah Carrick talking about the customization of the gedit IDE to be more useful for web developers.

As a web developer and programmer, I prefer to use a powerful text editor over WYSIWYG software. I write code using HTML/XHTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, MySQL, Ruby, etc. The standard text editor that comes with GNOME is much more powerful than you may know. This article is written to illustrate how you can configure gedit for use as a powerful, stable web developer’s text editor.

The article is broken up into a few different sections - a list of the features the gedit has to offer, some of the preferences that you can customize, a description of the plugin system and a listing of some of the external tools (plugins) that can be added for additional functionality.

tagged: ide gedit customize development environment ide gedit customize development environment


Micah Carrick's Blog:
Customizing gedit as a Web Developer's IDE
Oct 31, 2007 @ 14:37:00

Vinu Thomas has linked to an article from Micah Carrick talking about the customization of the gedit IDE to be more useful for web developers.

As a web developer and programmer, I prefer to use a powerful text editor over WYSIWYG software. I write code using HTML/XHTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, MySQL, Ruby, etc. The standard text editor that comes with GNOME is much more powerful than you may know. This article is written to illustrate how you can configure gedit for use as a powerful, stable web developer’s text editor.

The article is broken up into a few different sections - a list of the features the gedit has to offer, some of the preferences that you can customize, a description of the plugin system and a listing of some of the external tools (plugins) that can be added for additional functionality.

tagged: ide gedit customize development environment ide gedit customize development environment


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