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Jason Houle's Blog:
Zend Framework: The Dijit Editor
Jul 21, 2009 @ 16:40:29

Jason Houle submitted a recent post from his blog looking at the integration of the Dijit editor with a Zend Framework application:

In one of my current projects, AircraftConnection.com, I decided to use the dijit.Editor WYSIWYG editor in my user's forms. I ran into a few problems and could not find much documentation on the topic.

He wanted a few things - different ordering of some of the elements, submission of the contents of the editor on POST and the ability to pre-populate the data the user had already submitted. The post walks you through these changes, starting from making the basic Zend_Form instance with a customized Dijit form element out to adding in the code to push the current user data into the editor instance.

tagged: tutorial editor dijit zendframework


Matthew Weier O'Phinney's Blog:
Autocompletion with Zend Framework and Dojo
Dec 12, 2008 @ 20:37:59

Matthew Weier O'Phinney has put together a guide to answer some of the questions he's been getting about combining the Zend Framework and Dojo functionality for autocompletion.

I've fielded several questions about setting up an autocompleter with Zend Framework and Dojo, and decided it was time to create a HOWTO on the subject, particularly as there are some nuances you need to pay attention to.

He shows how to set up the correct Dijits and how to create the default form element in a Zend_Form instance. He creates a data store and a QueryReadStore to hold the information. The then modified that default Zend_Form element (a ComboBox) to include the storeType and storeParams for these instances.

tagged: zendframework dojo autocomplete tutorial zendform dijit


Matthew Weier O'Phinney's Blog:
Using dijit.Editor with Zend Framework
Aug 29, 2008 @ 14:33:03

Matthew Weier O'Phinney has posted a tutorial to his blog that shows how to implement the dijit.Editor (a dijit helper that didn't make it into the current release of the Zend Framework).

We're getting ready to release Zend Framework 1.6.0. However, one important Dijit had to be omitted from the release as I was not able to get it working in time: dijit.Editor.

This dijit is important as it provides an out-of-the-box WYSIWYG editor that you can use with your forms. Unfortunately, actually using it with forms is pretty tricky -- Dojo actually ends up storing content outside the form, which means you need to create a handler that pulls the content into a hidden element when saving.

He includes the code for a sample view helper to implement it and how to include it into your Zend_Form via an addElement call.

tagged: dijit editor zendframework dojo helper form zendform


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